Saturday, April 21, 2012

Five Minute Friday – Together Again

Recent days and months have had their share of sorrow in the death of precious friends.  I’ll tell you, there is a world of difference when a Christian dies and when an unbeliever dies. 

As a Christian I have confident hope and assurance that I will one day see my believing family and friends again.  It brings joy to think that I will once again see their face, hear their laugh and feel their warm embrace.  We will be together in heaven, a place where there is no more sin, sickness, sorrow or death.  We will be with our Savior and see Him face to face.  A place where worship and praise will never end.  Halleluiah, I long for that day.

But when someone dies who has not received Jesus Christ as their Savior, when they haven’t repented of their sin, when they haven’t cried out to the Lord for forgiveness…it’s not good!  It’s a place of eternal punishment, retribution, unrelenting suffering that will never, ever end. 

It almost feels more tortuous when I don’t know if my loved one is in heaven or hell. 

There’s not a day that goes by I don’t think of my precious friend.  I may hear some whose laugh sounds just like her laugh, or see someone who looks like her and I wonder…where is she today?  Will we ever be together again? 

Lord forgive me please for not being more bold in sharing the Gospel message, for worrying more about offending her rather than being concerned about the place she will spend eternity.  

This post is being linked to 5-Minute Friday courtesy of The Gypsy Mama, where you simply write for 5 minutes without worrying if it's right or not.  Head on over and take the challenge today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sending a virtual hug to you, Susan. Wish it could be a real one. We all fall far short from sharing the Gospel, often failing more with those closest to us. Don't let your friend's death be the end. Move forward, this time with more intention to reach out with the Gospel. Praying you find peace in the arms of Grace.

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