Saturday, May 19, 2012

Five Minute Friday…Sobering Perspective

Those days I feel overwhelmed
By the pressing, unrelenting demands of work

Come home weary and fatigued
When tempted to wonder, “How do others do it?”

Instead I look around and see
So many effected by the continuing downward spiral of our economy

Drivers and cars that used to head off to work
Now stay in the driveway each day

Lawns once green and manicured
Now have turned brown

Gardens once tended
Are now overgrown with weeds

Homes that used to show signs of life
Now stand empty for no one is home

Lord…may I have a heart of compassion
May I have a heart of gratitude for Your provisions

May I be faithful in prayer for those in need of jobs
Reach out where You lead

May I not presume upon my God
Who causes it to rain on the just and unjust alike

May I have a right perspective and attitude
Depending upon God for the strength to persevere

By Susan Wachtel
May 19, 2012

A day late…but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to participate in The GypsyMama’s Five Minute Friday.  Head on over and give it a try and be sure to read the writings of many gifted individuals while you are there. 


Anita said...

Very touching and well written. Thank you for sharing your perspective!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Beautifully written - and oh so true. Praying for God to help me to have His right perspective on sooo many things. Blessings to you!

Cathy said...

Agreed. The grass only seems greener on the other side. It never actually is.

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