Saturday, January 26, 2013

Five Minute Friday – Once Again

Under fiery trials my faith grew weak
It tottered and wobbled until it failed me

The Lord Whom I love and trust was obscured
By circumstances fast spinning out of control

There I stood facing the enemy defeated
Clothed in my weakness, not the Lord’s Armor

But then I cried out to the Lord my God
Omnipotence Who reigns on high

I lifted my eyes unto Your throne
From whence cometh my Help

The Holy Spirit rose up within me
Strengthened my heart with truth from God’s Word

Encouraged, I remembered God’s faithfulness
His deliverance in times past, which is always on time

For God is always faithful
Though I may fail Him, He will NEVER fail me

The Lord Jesus has a firm grasp on me
Once again, in confidence I stand for He will NEVER let me go

By Susan Wachtel
January 26, 2013

Even though it’s Saturday I wanted to participate in Lisa-Jo Baker’s Five MinuteFriday writing challenge.  Head over to her website “Lisa Jo Baker Tales from a Gypsy Mama”.  Be sure to read some of the entries from other writers.  I can promise you that you will be blessed.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Really Leon? Really? What in the world are you thinking?

My posts about politics are few and far between these days. 

But with the announcement by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta that women will be allowed to serve in combat roles, I cannot let this pass by without comment. 

I could easily rant and rave about this decision.  Instead, I found an excellent response in an article written by Ryan Smith on the Wall Street Journal Opinion section.  Take the time to read it and pass it along so that the citizens of this nation can see the conditions we would be putting our daughters, sisters, wives, mothers, aunts and friends in. 

Mr. Panetta, is there a reason why you announced the decision as you are leaving you post as Defense Secretary? 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Five Minute Friday – The Cherished Cross

Oh how I cherish the cross
When I gaze upon it

I see my Savior who died
To set me free

I see the holiness of God
And the ugliness of my sin

The chains of sin that once held me
Have been broken; I’ve been set free

The blood of Christ was shed
To cleanse me whiter than snow

The Father’s love so deep
He gave His only begotten Son

The place where my Kinsman Redeemer
Paid the price and made me His own

by Susan Wachtel
January 19, 2013

Though I’m a day late, I did not want to miss an opportunity to participate in Lisa-JoBaker’s Five Minute Friday writing challenge.  Head over to her website “Lisa Jo Baker Tales from a Gypsy Mama”.  Be sure to read some of the entries from other writers.  I can promise you that you will be blessed.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Grace by Max Lucado – This Book’s a Keeper and a Giver

Author Max Lucado has a unique way of meditating on God, who He is and what He’s done for sinful man.  What better subject than grace!  The grace of God that saves us and gives us a new heart.  Our gracious  God who forgives us when by all rights He should have condemned us.  The grace of God demonstrated when He sent His Son to take our place and pay the penalty for our sin.  In exchange, He saved us by His marvelous, overflowing, unstoppable grace.  Grace that can soften a hardened heart and change a life.  Those are just some of the meditations on God’s grace that Max Lucado shares in his new book Grace – More Than We Deserve – Greater Than We Imagine.

Who doesn’t need to be under the fire hose of God’s grace?  Once you’ve been on the receiving end of God’s grace, often dispensed through the lives of His people, you want to learn how to live a grace filled and grace giving life. 

This book is a powerful reminder on God and the grace He freely gives us in abundance. 

I highly recommend Max Lucado’s newest book Grace – More Than We Deserve – Greater Than We Imagine.  This book is a keeper because you will want to read it again, ponder and reflect on our gracious God.  This book is a giver too; you’ll want to share this encouraging book with someone in need of an outpouring of God’s grace. 

A concern that I had with the Reader’s Guide written by Kate Etue, is that it was too self-focused and less God focused.  I also would appreciate Max Lucado broaching the subject of repentance, a subject that is seldom mentioned in Christian writing today.

A free copy of this book was provided to me by BookSneeze in exchange for an honest review.  I under no obligation to provide a favorable review.

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg – Un-put-downable, Will keep you up late at night!

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg is the sixth and final book in the Marcus Ryker series .  This novel picks up where the last boo...