Tuesday, June 24, 2014


The price of disobedience is very high, much higher than we should be willing to pay.  The rewards for obedience are wide and far reaching even into eternity.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Deadly Business – Mixed Emotions

I’ve watched her on Fox News and I’ve seen her mystery books in Christian bookstores, but this is the first novel I’ve read by author Lis Wiehl. 

A Deadly Business in the second book in the Mia Quinn mystery series by coauthors Lis Wiehl and April Henry.  The main character Mia is mother of two children, widowed and a prosecutor in Seattle.  

This is a fast-paced novel, filled with action from the get go.  Starting on page two, buckle you seat belts because you are on a roller coaster ride as Mia, her family and coworker are thrust into danger, mystery and intrigue.  Questions arise on her husband’s death seven months earlier, that may indicate murder not an accident.  In the middle of dealing with that duty calls as Mia is assigned a case prosecuting juveniles who critically injure a woman by dropping a shopping cart on her from two stories up.  Mia has to make the tough decision to prosecute these criminals as juveniles or as adults in a highly volatile and politically charged atmosphere.

Now what did I think of the book…well the book held my attention.  I found that I didn’t have a chance to get to know the main character early on because the action started so abruptly.  I connected with two of the characters, Detective Charlie Carlson and Mia’s fourteen year old son Gabe because they seemed good and real.  There were times I found myself put off by Mia’s thoughts and approach to the criminal justice system.  Rather than punishing criminals for their acts, the character approached it as a place to help rehabilitate criminals.  I wondered is that the authors view point or just what they wrote about the character?  

Another question that came up, as I was reading this novel, is that I’m not sure what would qualify this book as “Christian Fiction”.  If a writer is a Christian does that mean what they write is Christian fiction?  I don’t think so.  There was precious little in the book about God, faith or prayer and nothing that would stand out to suggest it was a Christian book.  I wouldn’t have guessed this book was from a Christian writer unless I had known this was put out by a Christian based publisher.

Nevertheless, I did appreciate the fact that the book did not contain filthy language or promote sexual immorality, etc. 

Would I recommend this book?  I would advise customers to read the book synopsis, reviews, and choose based on an informed decision if it sounds like something you might like.  I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it for someone who likes to read books that include characters dealing with God, scripture, prayer and wrestling their faith.  But if you are looking for a good mystery you might like it.

I would like to thank the people at BookLook for providing me with a free copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

I Bless You

For my precious friend, I pray and bless you

I bless you with faith that rises
Faith that burns brighter
In the darkness of trials

I bless you with faith like a jewel
A multifaceted diamond
Sparkling and reflecting the Light of God

I bless you with faith that takes God at His Word
“All things are possible to him who believes.”
A responsive heart that confesses, “I believe.  Help me with my unbelief.”

I bless you with faith that remembers
Your Savior suffered and was tempted
And is able to help and strengthen you today

I bless you with faith that trusts God
When all others tell you to abandon ship
You will remember that God still calms the stormy seas

I bless you to remember your Savior’s compassion
He stands ready to wipe away your tears
With His nail scarred hands

I bless you to praise God,
Unapologetic, out loud and with boldness
Though others may tell you to curse God

I bless you to know with confident assurance
That God is perfectly weaving your trials and pain
Into a beautiful tapestry of your life

I bless you to recognize
That God will never waste your trials
Be confident that He will use them to help others

I bless you to remember book by book
Who God has revealed Himself to be
In holy and inerrant Scripture

I bless you to recall the names of God
Reflect and remember
How He has proven Himself over and over in your life

I bless you to rejoice always
Pray without ceasing
In everything and for everything give thanks

God Is Able

Imperfect Forgiveness

Just when I thought I’d moved beyond it
I see wounds from the past and brokenness
Still impacting me today

Time has moved on
As has the one who fell short
Leaving scars in their wake

This side of heaven
My questions will remain unspoken
“Why?” and “What were you thinking?” will not be answered

I wish I had been able to talk it through
Or hear “I’m sorry”
And confess my sins against them too

Lord I need to forgive completely
Not dredge it up again
Let the pain remain in the past, not feel it afresh

Lord, I need to follow Your example
Forgive completely, once and for all
Cancel their debt

Help me to remember
Not only did Jesus pay my sin debt in full
But He died for the sins of the world

You are lavish in grace, mercy and forgiveness
Not holding my sin debt against me
You have cast my sin into the sea of forgetfulness

I need to remember
Unforgiveness is a sin
Like all sin, I must repent of it

Show me how to live this out day by day
Help me to remember that You never waste my trials and pain
You are working things out according to Your perfect plan

Thank You God that Your forgiveness is not like mine
You forgive fully and completely, even to the uttermost
Heavenly Father, help me to be more like You

by Susan Wachtel
June 19, 2014

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Small View of God

A small view of God, an inaccurate view of God will lead to sin:

Sin against God

Sin against man









Neglect of the Word of God



Carrying a burden that God never intended for me to carry alone

Ceasing to praise and worship God

Overestimating myself

Underestimating others

Failure to put on the full armor of God


Bad fruit

Failure to take every thought captive…giving my thoughts free rein

Discouragement, not encouragement

Losing my focus that I am engaged in a spiritual battle every day this side of heaven

Listening to the lies and propaganda of the enemy

I’m sure that this list could go on and on.  Perhaps you have a few that you can think of too.  Please free to share them.  

I think I'm safe in saying that nothing good comes when I have a small view of God.  

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg – Un-put-downable, Will keep you up late at night!

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg is the sixth and final book in the Marcus Ryker series .  This novel picks up where the last boo...