Friday, August 29, 2014

Psalm 2:1-5 – In my own words

Vs 1 – What in the world is going on?  Why are the nations causing a commotion and in an uproar?  They get together with the ungodly and the unrighteous people and seek to plot and plan something that is vain and empty and can do no good.

Vs 2 – The kings of the earth gather together to take a stand against God and desire to overthrow God’s rule and reign over them.  The rulers will get together and seek counsel on how they can come against the Lord God Almighty and His Anointed One Jesus Christ.  The problem is that they are a band of wicked and ungodly men who have rejected the Lord and His righteousness. 

Vs 3 – They say let’s rip off these fetters that the Lord has placed on us and tear them apart.  We will throw away the cords which have bound us. 

Vs 4 – But the Lord sits enthroned in the heavens above and throws back His head and laughs at them.  He scoffs and makes fun of their ridiculous plans.  They really don’t have a clue about Who He is and who they are. 

Vs 5 – Right now the ungodly and unrighteous man thinks he is something and he is on his high horse.  But I’m telling you, there is a day coming in which they will know the full force and weight of God’s anger and fury.  For God’s fury will one day be poured out against the ungodly and unrighteous, those who are unrepentant and have rejected God and His rule and reign in their lives.  They will soon quake in terror.

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