Thursday, October 26, 2023

Our World is in a Moral Freefall

Each day now
I take a deep breath
Before I read, listen to, or watch the news
What news of unimaginable evil awaits us today
Will it be a news of a veteran
A man who served this Nation
Who once protected and defended our Country
Now the object of a manhunt
After taking the lives of innocent people
Leaving a trail of wounded whose lives will never be the same
Or will it be news of unimaginable evil
The chosen Nation Israel
Once again under attack by her enemies
Only this time, it was not a “lone wolf”
Instead, it was a coordinated, well planned, secret mission
Launched by hundreds, no thousands of terrorists
Not an attack on the Israel’s Defense Forces
No!  Against the innocent and vulnerable
Civilians, innocent, unarmed men, women, and children
Brutally, cut down
Murdered, raped, tortured, taken captive
By their twisted, morally depraved terrorist neighbors
What was their crime
Why was this hellish attack unleashed upon innocents
Religion and ethnicity, descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Most evil doers try hide their evil deeds
Not so on October 7, 2023
With the morally depraved hell bound terrorists
They proudly recorded it for all
For the world to see
Expecting great rewards now and in eternity
Even with their own video evidence
Plain for all to see
The evildoer’s defenders and supporters make excuses
World leaders with broken moral compasses
Those who call evil good, and good evil
Encourage restraint and proportionality
Proportionality?  What?
Do they sanction murdering the innocent
Raping innocent women and children
Do they think it acceptable
To torture and kidnap innocent civilians
Subject them to unimaginable horrors
Decent, God-fearing people and nations
Do not intentionally do evil to innocents
Instead, they fight the terrorists and evil doers
Terrorists who hide behind women and children
Who hide their weapons, rockets, and launchers
In school, hospitals, and places of worship
Let us not forget
The terrorist’s greatest allies
The main stream media
They choose to believe the lies of a terrorists
Who just days before brutally took the lives of innocents
Who recorded the rape, torture, and kidnapping of civilians
Lest we think this insanity and brutality is confined to Israel
Let us look around us
See the protesters and supporters of terrorists
Marching in the street
Chanting “From the River to the Sea”
“Palestine Will Be Free”
In colleges and universities
Places of “higher learning”
Jewish students are in fear for their lives
Jewish people around the world are waking up
Recognizing the hatred of their enemies
Enemies supported by those whose consciences have been seared
Let us learn from history
Take terrorists and evil doers at their word
They desire the destruction of Israel and her people
Will we let that happen again
Or will we stand with Israel
“I will bless those who bless you.”
Will we stand idly by and do nothing
Or worse, align ourselves with those who hate Israel
“I will curse those who curse you.”
Lord, we are a people lost in our sin
Unmoored from a biblical foundation
Driven by feelings over rational, logical thoughts
Deceived and deceivers
Believing fiction over truth
Defending lawlessness and evil
You warned us in the Bible, these days would come
Our world is in a moral freefall
Getting worse day by day
We are sinners through and through
Apart from Christ Jesus the Lord we can do nothing
All our deeds are as filthy rags
Apart from His sacrificial death on the cross
To pay the penalty and sin debt for all who repent and believe
We are lost and without hope
Lord, use what is happening in the world today
To bring us to an end of ourselves
Bring us to repentance and faith in Christ
LORD, we take comfort in Your sovereignty
In the knowledge that all will give an account to You
The LORD God Almighty who sees and knows all things 
The One who is Holy, Holy, Holy
The One who is perfectly Just and Righteous
The One who gave His Only Begotten Son so that we might be saved
By Susan Bunts Wachtel
October 26, 2023

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