With all the changes at work…and friends loosing their job…and with me still being in limbo…I find it’s the little things I miss.
Every morning coming up the stairs and being greeted by Dan’s smiling face. His office walls and cabinets displayed Angel’s memorabilia. Whether he’s was on the phone and offered a friendly wave…or he had time to say hello in his own inimitable style…it was a great way to start each day. I miss your smiling face Dan.
And Jun…we always found time to share about what God was doing in our lives. Usually on my way to lunch…or when heading home for the day…we’d chat. You radiate the love of God Jun. You have a gentle and loving spirit…and I thank you for the encouragement that you always gave and the wisdom that you shared from God’s word. Not only do you talk the talk…but you walk it, in love. Lord bless Jun…I thank God for bringing you into my life.
Of course there are the girls from Risk…Teri, Karen and Donna. You girls made every day fun…and holidays more special. You would think after dealing negative calls all day long it would wear on you…but not so with you. I thank you for your warmth, openness and sharing with everyone. I will miss seeing you everyday. And Karen if ever I get on live on QVC’s Saturday morning show…you can be certain that I will be giving you a Saturday morning shout out.
And then there was James…one who frequently worked late as he handled recruiting for South Africa. After everyone had gone home for the day…and the cleaning crew was still tidying up…you would pass by my desk…usually in your quest for some sweets. What I most enjoyed about you is your quirky sense of humor…and of course the geeky tech side of you.
I always enjoyed meeting Ken at copier. Whether it was talking what was happening with the business…or in his district…I enjoyed our chats. You and me and a few others were the ones that appreciated being able to get a boatload of work done after everyone had gone home for the day.
Working late usually meant that the phone calls were few and far between. That’s why the work time was productive. But on occasion a call would come in from a customer or a store…usually over a customer having problems writing a check. The phone would ring…and usually I’d pick up the line knowing full well that it would likely mean a disruption to my current project.
On the calls involving checks…there was always one person I could reach out for…Steve. What’s even more amazing is that Steve was in Chicago…two hours ahead of me. But most of the time…he was there. Always a wealth of knowledge…and he had access to just about everything…and either had the answers or could find the answers I needed. It was always accurate information…because Steve always strove for excellence in whatever he did. If the issue couldn’t be resolved then…I didn’t have to follow up repeatedly…because he would make sure he got an answer…or resolved the issue at hand. There are certain folks you can always count on in life…and Steve is one of them.
While each of us was working on our own spreadsheet or data…we’d take time to chat. Sometimes about business…sometimes catching up about family stuff. And Steve…to this day…that picture of the carp that you sent…was one of he ugliest things I’ve ever seen. Yuck! Perhaps 2006 will be the winning year for your beloved St. Louis Cardinals.
Another highlight of my day were the phone calls from Robert in transit. Sometimes to report about some absurd bumper sticker from some loony lib driving in front of him or to comment on latest about Ken and John were ranting and raving about. You have a little braggadocio in you Robert…okay, well maybe a lot. It particularly comes out when you have brag on your keen editing skills, always catching both big and small boo boos.
You are nothing short of cocky when you want to bet. It amazes me that folks still fall prey to your bets. When will they ever learn…that if you want to bet…they will likely loose. One of my favorite blog articles….was based on you, “To Post or Not to Post”.
Some of my favorite times…were text messaging you or e-mailing you a message set to arrive just as your plane arrived wishing you a safe landing. I’m sure glad you landed safe each time…I don’t think I’d want to be answering the Fed’s questions as to why I sent that message in the event you crashed and burned.
Louis…your middle initial should be I…I for instigator. You always have a joke to play on someone. You have a wee bit of the devil in you sir! I’ve known you for so long...that it was weird when I met your son again the other day. He’s all grown up…it was almost surreal. I think I remember when I first met you…and thanks to you…my love for loss prevention grew…until I was finally able to get a job that I would love. It seems very weird to not be working together after all these years.
And there were the many, many LPS’s over the years. I had the pleasure of watching them grow and develop in their careers and personal lives. Sometimes I felt like I was sole person beholding a treasure…because I would see what made each person special or unique. It was exciting to see each person advance in the career…as they were promoted or went on to better jobs with other companies. It was especially neat when someone would be faced with a challenge or obstacle…and step up to the plate rather than strike out or knuckle under.
In some respects while in the middle of all this daily stuff…there were many times that I knew that the people and times were very special. I feel like Mary…and pondered it in my heart…and each of you and many more will always hold a special place in my heart.
I thank God for having blessed me with so many people whom I grew to love and appreciate. To quote Lou Gehrig…I feel like the luckiest man (woman) alive. Thanks for being a special part of my life.