I’ve learned that there is a fine line between looking for God’s leading and His will for my life…and relying too heavily on outward signs to confirm or deny it.
During the recent times of God’s silence in my life…I when I looked at the outward “signs” I was very confused. Should I stay with the old company? Should I accept a job with the new company? Or should I make this my time to exit and venture out into new territory? If I factored my feelings into the equation…forget about it. I would have been paralyzed into indecision.
We’ve all heard the expression of God “opening a door” or “closing a door”. Yes…I have experienced both…or at least what I perceived as such. But in this instance…to rely on outward signs would have left me confused, undecided or in a place not of God’s will.
For example with the old company…an offer presented itself. Even though it was seemingly the work I wanted to do…I knew in my heart, soul, mind and spirit that God did not want me to take the job. The new job…was not something I’m jumping up and down excited about…but a good job nonetheless. Leaving altogether…well that’s whole other story.
If I looked at the outward signs…they would have led me to take the job with the old company. A job to my liking…and suited to my experience, skills and abilities. Five weeks after my last day worked…there has been some snafu…and they still haven’t paid me off. So…was that a sign from God to not leave?
The new job…well getting my new hire paperwork processed ran into some hick-ups which delayed me getting paid and my benefits in place. Also…the job I really wanted…well nary a word has come from the folks that interviewed me. Was that a sign from God that I shouldn’t have taken my current job?
I can say unreservedly…the answer is no. Right now today…I’m where God wants me. Why exactly I don’t know. What purpose He has…I don’t know.
If I rely solely on outward signs of open or closed doors…they can be used by Satan to distract me or tempt me into going a direction God would not have me go.
Let me tell you a secret…just between you and me…God doesn’t always put me in a place where things will go easy…or smoothly or comfortably. Sometimes He wants to challenge me, my faith and obedience. At times…those places can be rather uncomfortable. Like being in a place where I don’t want to be, or doing work that is not my cup of tea…or working with challenging situations or people.
Open doors and comfortable places can be very attractive and enticing. But they may be just where God does not want me to be.
Do I have a listening ear towards God’s leading…or am I only looking at outward signs? Do I twist what I see and what I hear to fit into the message and direction I want from God? Or am I genuinely seeking God and His will for my life?
Honestly…if I had taken the job with the old company…it would have been my opportunity so say, “Go pound sand!” to the new company that didn’t give me exactly what I wanted.
But God has worked on my heart…and helped me to know that he wanted me to “Stand firmly and see the deliverance of the Lord.” What that deliverance entails exactly…I don’t know.
But I do know if an opportunity comes up now…I would be leaving because it’s a job I want and it’s the place where God wants me. I wouldn’t be leaving out of hurt, bitterness, anger or frustration. Are those feelings still there? Yes…at times. But God usually keeps in the wine press until I work through those feelings…and He even gives me a caring heart for those whom I found difficult at the beginning.
So open or closed doors may be all well and good…but only when examined in the light of God’s word, after much prayer and with wise counsel from godly people. Sprinkle in a little common sense and a commitment to not rush ahead of God. Most important is a willingness to obey God even when things aren’t quite so comfortable.