Sunday, July 16, 2006

True Confessions by Chuck Obremski

This last week when I was faced with an important decision…I longed to be able to speak with my beloved former Pastor, Chuck Obremski.

When I look back at his life, what made Chuck so extraordinary was that the Word of God was active and alive in his life. He regularly fed on God’s word, believed it and put it into practice.

Think of the people whom you admire? They aren’t everyday kind folks that go along with the flow. They aren’t people that live like the rest of the world…doing whatever they want, whenever they want…but show up to church on Sunday morning.

Instead they are people of courage and conviction. They are set apart and wholly devoted to God. Chuck was such a man. Because he had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ…it made a difference in how he lived his life. Jesus shined through him.

Now don’t let this fool you...Chuck loved life and had a great sense of humor…thus sampling of his jokes continue.

May the Lord strengthen and bless you this week as you yield your life to him. May you feast on his Word daily…and grow in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

God bless!

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