Sunday, November 02, 2008

Is It Love?

They say its love

When I look into your eyes

And see stars

They say its love

When I kiss your lips

And hear fireworks all around us

They say its love

When we are making love

All night long

But I ask

Wouldn’t any fool stick around

When it’s easy, magical and fun

What about the times

When I look into your eyes

And see your beautiful blue eyes looking back

What about the times

When all our busy schedules afford

Is a quick kiss as we head out the door

What about the times

After an exhausting day…we come home spent

And we are most grateful to fall into each others arms

Is it love

That says “I love you”

When everyday is like a fairy tale

Or is it true love

When I come home weary from fighting the battle

And find…the one will stand with me

Or is it true love

When I’m swimming against the tide…about to drown

And out reaches a hand…to hold me up

Or is it true love

That says…I’m committed

And would marry you all over again…no matter what

Susan Bunts Wachtel

November 1, 2008

To Chris…the one I love. Thank you for sticking around…fighting the good fight…holding me up in prayer before the throne room of God. Thanks for being willing to pursue a mature love that sticks with it in good times and bad…who doesn’t get weak-kneed and afraid…when the challenges don’t stop and the tough times outweigh the good.

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