Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"Mean Girls"

When she uttered the words “Mean Girls” Without elaboration I knew exactly what she meant Her words brought uncomfortable laughter From the audience of women Who discretely examined their own attire Immediately came to mind The names and faces of those women Who display their wares freely for all to see A mean girl has been blessed With a beautiful, attractive body And she believes that’s where her self-worth lies A mean girl thinks “it’s all about me” She allows you to be her friend So long as you both agree Provocatively dressing Tempting men to look or even stray To contemplate what it would be like to be with the “other woman” Her speech is flirtatious Prompting a man to think That it’s him that she truly desires When in fact Nothing could be further from the truth But he has willingly fallen into the snare of the deceiver What about that teenage mean girl Where are her parents When she’s walking out the door What kind of dad let’s his daughter dress that way Knowing full well Boys aren’t just thinking that she looks pretty Where a mom’s natural desire To protect her daughter Teach her modesty and that true beauty is found in the inward spirit Mean girls can be found anywhere With cleavage prominently displayed Short skirts revealing their shapely form Lest you think The mean girl is unaware Of her effect on men Don’t be naïve Her dress is done with purpose Her intent is to attract attention Her power and drive Her self esteem Is rooted in her ability to make a man look By Susan Bunts Wachtel February 24, 2009 It’s hard to be a women in a mean world. Sometimes that mean world includes “mean girls” who are lurking and tempting our husbands, sons, brothers and friends with their provocative revealing dress. While I’d like to believe that there are no mean girls in church…at times it seems there isn’t a lot of difference between those in the church and those in the world. The other day I heard a quote that rang true. They said “where there is a low view of God…there is a low view of sin”. What was once viewed as sinful is no longer seen in the light of God’s holiness. Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. – 1 Peter 3:3-4

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