Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Christmas Reflections..That You May Know

“…it seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write to you an orderly account, most excellent Theophilus, that you may know the certainty of those things in which you were instructed.” – Luke 1:3-4

With Christmas fast approaching, I’m reminding myself that I don’t want to miss Jesus, the Christ child like I have in years past. 

I don’t want to set Him aside amidst the hustle and bustle of the season.  Neglecting God’s greatest Gift while purchasing presents that will not last.  Attending concerts and Christmas plays yet failing to worship the newborn King. 

I want to devote the time to study the story of my Savior’s birth.  Not just some made up story, but eyewitness accounts about Jesus Christ’s birth, life, death and resurrection.  Luke took the time to learn and write down in a very orderly manner the events Jesus, Who is God with us.  He compiled the stories about Jesus to send to his friend Theosophies so that he might know with certainty the truth about what he had been taught. 

I’m challenged by Luke’s willingness to do the work so that he could share the good news of the Gospel message with his friend.  Do I do the same?  Do I take the time to carefully study God’s word so that I can share it? 

It’s easier to give a gift wrapped with pretty paper and bows rather than give my family and friends the Gift of life through Jesus Christ.  It requires very little of me to do that and there is no risk or rejection. 

I can celebrate Christmas with family and friends, but if I fail to share that salvation is found in no other name on heaven and earth than Jesus Christ…I may not share eternity with them.  

During the season that’s supposed to celebrate Christ’s birth…will my focus be on that which is insignificant and inconsequential?   Or will I focus on the One who is Eternal, Jesus Christ?  Will I share the Gift of eternal life with family and friends?  

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