Friday, October 07, 2005

A Breeze is Blowing

My girl kitty Daisy

Following the death of my most beloved Pastor, Chuck Obremski...I feel like the wind went out of my sails. Obviously a very sad time for the Obremski family, his friends...and for the many people who loved and treasured this man, whom God bless us with.

I've been in the grip of a profound sadness...yet experiencing a peace that overrides it. A peace that truly comes from God.

This has been one heck of a hard year...with many losses. In addition to Chuck's illness and death...with all the highs and lows...I've also lost others this year. First and foremost my friend Hugo comes to mind. This dear man...was essentially give a death sentence by way of a lung disease. He too was on a health roller coaster. When the promising news of approval for a lung transplant came, Hugo's health took a sharp decline...and he died within a few short weeks.

While deeply saddened by Hugo's death...the comfort of knowing that he was a believer in Jesus Christ, had been redeemed from his sins...and that I will one day see him again in heaven, can not be overstated.

Not too long after that news came word that a friend from my past, Neil Parker had died...following a heroic battle with cancer. Just the thought that this man was gone from this world...and knowing that I wouldn't be talking to him again or seeing him this side of heaven caused me much grief. But like Hugo...I took great joy in the fact that I will be greeted by Neil one day in heaven...since he too is a Christian and saved from his sins.

A couple of other losses bring me much a more personal level...the losses of two of my kitties, Kate and Daisy. Earlier in the year...I made the difficult decision to give Kate away. Kate had been my mom's kitty...and I had taken her in to my home when my mom moved into an assisted living facility. In many ways Kate was so different from my other kitties...very personable and friendly. But there was constant conflict between Kate and my other kitties. It resulted in behavior problems...that I couldn't tolerate any longer. I had my other kitties for over 14 I made the tough decision to give her away.

For weeks I felts sick to my stomach at the thought of Kate...and in a lot of ways regretted the decision...but the peace in my home for Daisy, Nathan and Moss helped me to know it was an okay decision.

This last September...I had to have my kitty Daisy put to sleep. She got sick with no notice and within two days I had to take her to the vet. As it turned out...she had a tumor and was at the end of her life. I was with her when they gave her the shot. When had I adopted Daisy from the pound, she was pregnant unbeknownst to me. I ended up keeping two of her boy kitties, Nathan and Moss. She gave me one of the best gifts of my life...and I miss her greatly.

So as you can see...from the above personal events this year has been tough. There are other things...on a different more intimate level which have been challenging and have tested my faith. In some instances...I've kept my focus and remained steadfast and at other times I've despaired of even life. But even in those times that the hurt has been great...and seemingly doesn't hold a candle to those times of similar despair when I was not a Christian.

I remember that feeling all too well. I thank God and praise God that now even in the midst of pain and despair...I have a hope that will never die. Does that mean I don't have those moments that when I feel my boat is about to be swamped...and go down for the last time? No...of course I do. But the difference is...they are moments, not seasons or years of despair...and there is hope even in the midst.

So I write all this to give you fair warning...that while the wind has recently gone out of my sails...I can feel a breeze blowing. So watch out...I'll be doing some more writing than I have in the last couple of weeks.

In past few weeks...there have been a number of big stories that I have wanted to comment on...but my mind was focused elsewhere. But now...I'm going to dive back in. forewarned...there are a number issues in the media that I'm going to tackle. Important issues that I want to better understand, if for nothing else than to know what I feel about them.

So thank you God...for carrying me through this time. It's been rather hard...and I still feel bruised and battered...but I'm still here. I still have many hopes, dreams and prayers that I want to see realized...but I'm going to keep going and pray that you will make a way God.

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