Sunday, March 12, 2006

Happiness is…you are before you do. – Bob Kraning

Sermon notes from March 5th.

“Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy.” -
Matthew 5:7

How much damage is done to the body of God by bitterness that is held onto?

If you are merciful…you will be shown mercy also. Mercy is forgiveness and pardon to another one who is totally in the wrong.

Micah 6:8 – What does the Lord require of you?
Act Justly
Love Mercy
Walk humbly with your God

What you are is more important than what you do. Character will guide what you do. Character controls us and our actions.

Christians have experienced grace and mercy and we are to walk in the world with grace and mercy. God enables us to be merciful and act in way which is not natural. The Holy Spirit is always there…pressing and pushing me.

“Beatitude” – something at the center or core of our being. We have been reborn. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! -
2 Corinthians 5:17
Everything changes when we understand God’s grace and mercy. Redone…rebirth.

What do you do when you’ve been seriously wronged? What is your attitude? Do you feel and offer forgiveness, love and mercy?

Grace is freely given by God. It’s giving me what I don’t deserve. Mercy is something we ask for. Mercy is withholding from me what I really deserve. It’s compassion to those who are hurting and struggling. Mercy…is compassion in action.

A Biblical example of mercy is the “
Good Samaritan”. Which of these three was really a neighbor to the man who had fallen into trouble? The one who had mercy.

Jesus tells us to “go and do likewise.” Compassion in action.

Example of compassion in action. A poor man’s horse drops dead in the middle of the street. The people standing around offer him a word that they are sorry for his misfortune. One man…instead of offering words says “I’m sorry five pounds worth.” His puts his money…and starts passing the hat. Before long others have put in enough money to help buy the poor man a new horse. The one who was merciful…the one who showed compassion…is the one who helped with the dead horse.

Our actions should change because of the mercy that God has shown us. Old Testament example is Joseph. He was sold into slavery by his brothers. When tempted to sin…he responds, “How could I sin against my master? How could I sin against my God?” Finally he became the Vice Pharaoh in Egypt and his brothers showed up to buy food because of a famine in their land. Joseph had the power to repay them for what they had done to him. Instead he responded by answering,
“What you meant for evil, God meant for good.” Kindness…compassion and love…in action.

Respond in love when hurt. A merciful person always remembers his own sin and God’s mercy towards him.
Matthew 18:21-35

How many times shall I forgive? Seventy times seven? Mercy…is an attitude of your heart…one in which you loose the accounting of wrongs done to you by others.

Matthew 18:35 – This is how my heavenly Father will treat you unless you forgive you brother from your heart.

We are to make things right…before you offer up your sacrifice.

Mercy…compassion in action…needs to be way of life. This is who you are. “I have shown you mercy and given you grace…now go and do likewise.”

Do you have a death grip on a grudge and have no intention of letting it go?

Be merciful…and mercy will be extended to you. You can…and will forgive.

“Jesus had died for this man…was I going to ask for more?” -- Corrie Ten Boom

Forgiveness is possible. It’s possible to show mercy. By God’s grace I can forgive a wrong. The authenticity of our faith is seen in the beatitudes. It’s also an indicator if our spiritual health.

Fall in love with mercy. Show it all your life. God can do a work in your heart…and also in the heart of the person who did you harm.

If this is an area that you need help in…pray to God for you to help you demonstrate mercy. Go and be merciful…get involved with those who are hurting.

Mercy can bring new life into all you encounter and mercy and brings health.

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