Friday, March 03, 2006

Thirteen Reasons Why I Need Jesus

13. Life is just too darn hard to face on my own.

12. I need that goal in sight…an eternity in heaven…where there is no more pain, sickness or sorrow.

11. I need someone who will never leave me nor forsake me…for man is not so faithful.

10. I need an example on how to live…and forgiveness when I fail.

9. I need to an example how to forgive others…and help to do so when the hurts just seems too darn big on my own.

8. I need great wisdom from the Holy Word of God…for "In the beginning was the Word…and Word was with God, and the Word was God".

7. I need strength for today…and bright hope for tomorrow…and sure to send the blessings all mine with ten thousand beside.

6. I need help in the spiritual battle…for the battle is not against flesh and blood.

5. I need that firm foundation…upon which to build my house.

4. I need the healing balm of grace and mercy…poured out upon me daily.

3. I need to sing praises to my Savior…and let my spirit soar.

2. I need to remember that there is Holy, Righteous, Just, Gracious, Merciful, Faithful and Loving God…who choose me…a foolish one to confound the wise.

1. I’m a sinner…saved only by the grace of God…and the sacrifice of my precious Lord Jesus Christ on that cross a Calvary.

In surfing the blogasphere I recently discovered a website called
She Live’s. Carol’s website will draw you in…first with the lovely picture with Carol among flowers…and keep you coming back…with some posts that will challenge you…or bring you peace. On today’s visit…I found Thirteen Thursday’s Challenge. So with just a couple hours to go…here’s my first Thirteen Thursday post. Thanks Carol!

1 comment:

Carol said...

Hey! I love your list. I am totally going to steal this ideas some weeks in the future - that way I stand a better chance of coming up with my own 13 reasons. It'll be fun to see if they match yours!

Thanks for the link.

The War on Sin Within

The following was inspired by the sermon preached yesterday, by our Associate Pastor Chris Teagle.  The Scripture was from James 4:1-10.   A...