Tuesday, January 16, 2007

1/15/07 At the End of the Day…Questions

I’m very tired after a long day in which I was on the go from beginning to end. In part from fatigue…and in part from studying God’s word and contemplating God, my life and so much more…I have many questions swirling around in my head. On some…I have a glimpse of insight, but others…I have only layer upon layer of questions.

What does it mean to be conformed to the image and likeness of Jesus Christ?

What does that look like in mind, will, emotions, attitude, actions and behavior?

As I grow to be more like Jesus…how and in what ways will I change?

I want to know…I mean really know Jesus in a deeper and more personal way. What exactly doest that mean? What will I have to do to know Him more?

No easy answers…but oh what an adventure. If life’s not a grand adventure…then what’s it all for?

I am done…I’m finish…I’m no longer willing…to live a settled for life!

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