Friday, September 26, 2008

Tell Tale Signs

The body of Christ

Suffered another assault today

By one who calls himself Christian

By outward appearances

The signs were all there

Indeed he put on a good show

In church each Sunday

With Bible in hand

He even shared Christ with those not yet saved

A fish symbol strategically placed on his car

A bumper sticker proclaiming

Know Jesus, Know Peace

But closer examination

By the One who looks upon the heart

Revealed a wolf in sheep’s clothing

Sacred vows made to love his wife

As Christ so loved the church

Were set aside and trampled underfoot

His children

Once beloved were now forgotten

In his quest for personal happiness

The Lord whom he proclaimed to love

With all his heart, mind, soul and strength

Was long forgotten as he raised himself in God’s place

Destruction and devastation lay in the wake

From the vehicles of lies and deceit

No concern is demonstrated for those he once claimed to love

Those who once admired the Lord’s blessings to this man

Stand with their mouth gapping

Poised and ready to utter the words hypocrite and liar

The witness for Christ

He so carefully sought to build and protect

Now lies in the heap covered by selfishness and pride

Oh Lord, even now we lift up this one so deceived

Like a lamb led to slaughter

So willingly he followed the father of lies

We pray for his salvation

Forgiveness for his sins

That without Jesus he will have no peace

Like the prodigal son

May he come to his senses

And return to the Father whom he once he loved

By Susan Bunts

September 26, 2008

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