Friday, September 03, 2010


One of the things I enjoy seeing is personalized license plates.  I’ve even been known to snap a photo if my camera is handy.  I especially like the plates that reflect a person’s faith.
Last night when I was driving home in front of me was a driver whose license plate said VIP2GOD.  When I read that…it got me to thinking.  Who doesn’t want to feel that God loves them and they are important to Him?  We all do…and praise God that in His word He tells us that He so loved the world that He sent His Only Begotten Son to pay our sin debt so that we might be forgiven.
I was also challenged by the Holy Spirit to ask…more importantly is God a VIP to me.  Is He very important to me?  Do I love the Lord with all my heart, mind, soul and strength?  How is that attitude reflected in my life?  Am I quick to listen and quick to obey?  Do I put God first?  Is my heart moldable, teachable and yielded unto the Lord?
Do I have a proper perspective of God?  When I do, then I will fall into the right place. 

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