Saturday, December 16, 2023

The Wonderful World of James Herriot – by James Herriot – Enjoyable, Interesting, Memorable and Lovable Characters


When I saw that The Wonderful World of James Herriot audio book was available to listen to on NetGalley I was excited at this opportunity.  As the subtitle says this book truly is A Charming Collection of Classic Stories by James Herriot.


I remember discovering James Herriot novels back in the 1970’s when I was in high school and reading All Creatures Great and Small.  More recently watching the beloved PBS television show of the same name. 


The audio book was quite lovely.  It was made more special with the narration by Anna Madeley, Nicholas Ralph, and Rosie Page.  You will recognize the voices of Anna and Nicholas who play characters on the PBS show All Creatures Great and Small.  They do a fantastic job in bringing these stories to life.  Dr. Rosie Page is the daughter of Alf Wight, better known by his penname James Herriot. 


You know a book is good when you are interested from the get go as Rosie narrates the book’s introduction.  It was fascinating to learn how Alf came to write his stories and the books that have become a treasure to so many.


This book made me laugh and cry.  I appreciated the love and compassion that James (Alf) showed to the animals he cared for and the people who owned them.  People from all walks of life, interesting and memorable characters, and animals. 


Some of the stories go into detail about the ailments and treatment of the animals.  You may not want to have young children listen to or read the book, but wait until they are a little older.


I greatly enjoyed The Wonderful World of James Herriot.  It was delightful as an audio book and one I would like to listen to or read again.  It is the kind of book I would want to come back and listen to or read all over again, and share with others.


The Wonderful World of James Herriot would make a perfect Christmas or birthday gift for family and friends, or even for yourself.  If you are familiar with the James Herriot books, it will likely make you want to go back reread his novels. 


I would like to thank Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to the audio book The Wonderful World of James Herriot by James Herriot.  I was provided with a complimentary copy of this audio book and was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 


Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The Heirloom by Beverly Lewis – Loved This Book, Enjoyable Characters, and Interesting Relationships


I enjoy Amish fiction but had never read any novels by Beverly Lewis.  After reading the description of the The Heirloom, I wanted to read her newest book.  I am so glad I did!


The Heirloom tells the story of Clara Bender and her great aunt Ella Mae Zook.  Clara’s world has changed since her mother’s death a year ago.  In the months after her mother’s passing, Clara had grown closer to her father.  But since he remarried a couple of months ago, things had changed and home didn’t feel the same.  At nineteen years old, Clara knew that one day she would leave home.  The prospects for a good match in her community were not promising because eligible men about her age were not available. 


While clearing out her mother’s desk, Clara found letters her mom had exchanged with aunt Ella Mae.  It seemed they had a very close relationship and a deep connection.  That got Clara to thinking, perhaps she could go visit her great aunt in Pennsylvania for a couple of weeks.  Get to know her and connect over their shared love for Clara’s mom.  Her dad is reluctant to let Clara go but relents with the understand that she will be back in a couple of weeks.  His concern is that the Amish community in Hickory Creek is much stricter than the one in First Light, Indiana.  That was one of the reasons they had moved.


I absolutely loved reading The Heirloom.  I enjoyed the main characters Clara and Ella Mae and the people surrounding them.  I found the storyline compelling and moving.  Clara’s grief was relatable and Ella Mae was such a kind and caring person to all who were around her.  Both characters were thoughtful, hardworking, and other centered. 


What I appreciated the most about this book is the aspect of their Christian faith.  It was part of their everyday life and impacted how they lived. I have read other Amish fiction and have often thought it seemed like faith based on works, instead of faith that bears the fruit of repentance and good works.  That part of the Amish faith was explored in this book.  Not in a heavy-handed manner, but in thoughtful way.  I appreciated that the Gospel of Christ was clearly shared.  It was enjoyable to see young people building relationships that were pure.


The Heirloom by Beverly Lewis was so enjoyable.  The characters and relationships were well developed.  This novel had a richness you don’t often find in books.  Not everything was sunshine and flowers, there were some difficult subjects addressed.  I was very moved by Clara and Ella Mae’s story, and found myself grieved and wondering how the story would turn out.  I trusted the author no matter if it had a good ending or a sad ending, she handled the story and characters well.


I highly recommend The Heirloom by Beverly Lewis.  It was enjoyable, rich, and thought provoking.  So glad that I found this author whose work is new to me and look forward to reading more of her books.


I would like to thank Bethany House Publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to read complimentary copy of The Heirloom by Beverly Lewis.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.    


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Shadows at Dusk by Elizabeth Goddard – Not Believable, Convoluted, and Stretched the Imagination


Shadows at Dusk is Elizabeth’s Goddard newest book.  I have read several of her books and looked forward to reading her latest mystery.


Shadows at Dusk tells the story of Detective Trevor West who is searching in Alaska for his sister Jennifer Warren who disappeared over a year ago.  Trevor is a former US Marshal and knows how to track people.  But will he be able to solve the case that is most important to him?  He enlists the help of Alaskan bush pilot Carrie James to help him follow Jennifer’s trail.  Reluctantly, Carrie agrees to help him.  Not long into their journey it appears that someone does not want them to continue their search and will do whatever it takes to stop them.  But who exactly is the target?  Is it Trevor or is it Carrie? 


Let me start with the things I liked about this book.  I enjoyed learning about beauty of this vast, remote, and treacherous terrain.  I liked the character Trevor, he seemed like caring, determined, and faithful friend.  I liked Rip who was willing to help them on their mission, even at great risk to himself. 


I struggled greatly with this book for several reasons.  I hate it when characters do something stupid and illogical that puts them at risk and in danger.  Both Trevor and Carrie did that repeatedly throughout this story.  At times even acknowledging that they made a bad decision or calculation.  But they never seemed to learn from their mistakes.  Things like not making copies or photographs of key pieces of evidence.  Not giving that evidence to the police.


The storyline did not seem plausible.  From the bad guy behind it all and those who were helping him try to stop Trevor and Carrie.  It appears that someone from Carrie’s past might also be targeting Trevor.  Speaking of Carrie, I did not like or connect with her character.  This story stretched the imagination, not in a good way.  The story was not believable.  Because the characters continued to make unwise and illogical decisions, over and over again, I stopped caring about them.  I did not understand why a trained law enforcement officer would make some of the irrational decisions he did. 


There was very little about God or faith mentioned in the book.


From my perspective, I did not like Shadows at Dusk by Elizabeth Goddard.  The storyline was not believable.  Characters made illogical decisions that put them at risk throughout the story.  The story drug on and on.  It was too complicated and convoluted. 


I have read other stories by Elizabeth Goddard and enjoyed them and would like to read more in the future.  But Shadows at Dusk missed the mark and I would not recommend it. 


I would like to thank Revell Publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of Shadows at Dusk by Elizabeth Goddard.  I was under no obligations to give a favorable review. 


Thursday, October 26, 2023

Our World is in a Moral Freefall

Each day now
I take a deep breath
Before I read, listen to, or watch the news
What news of unimaginable evil awaits us today
Will it be a news of a veteran
A man who served this Nation
Who once protected and defended our Country
Now the object of a manhunt
After taking the lives of innocent people
Leaving a trail of wounded whose lives will never be the same
Or will it be news of unimaginable evil
The chosen Nation Israel
Once again under attack by her enemies
Only this time, it was not a “lone wolf”
Instead, it was a coordinated, well planned, secret mission
Launched by hundreds, no thousands of terrorists
Not an attack on the Israel’s Defense Forces
No!  Against the innocent and vulnerable
Civilians, innocent, unarmed men, women, and children
Brutally, cut down
Murdered, raped, tortured, taken captive
By their twisted, morally depraved terrorist neighbors
What was their crime
Why was this hellish attack unleashed upon innocents
Religion and ethnicity, descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Most evil doers try hide their evil deeds
Not so on October 7, 2023
With the morally depraved hell bound terrorists
They proudly recorded it for all
For the world to see
Expecting great rewards now and in eternity
Even with their own video evidence
Plain for all to see
The evildoer’s defenders and supporters make excuses
World leaders with broken moral compasses
Those who call evil good, and good evil
Encourage restraint and proportionality
Proportionality?  What?
Do they sanction murdering the innocent
Raping innocent women and children
Do they think it acceptable
To torture and kidnap innocent civilians
Subject them to unimaginable horrors
Decent, God-fearing people and nations
Do not intentionally do evil to innocents
Instead, they fight the terrorists and evil doers
Terrorists who hide behind women and children
Who hide their weapons, rockets, and launchers
In school, hospitals, and places of worship
Let us not forget
The terrorist’s greatest allies
The main stream media
They choose to believe the lies of a terrorists
Who just days before brutally took the lives of innocents
Who recorded the rape, torture, and kidnapping of civilians
Lest we think this insanity and brutality is confined to Israel
Let us look around us
See the protesters and supporters of terrorists
Marching in the street
Chanting “From the River to the Sea”
“Palestine Will Be Free”
In colleges and universities
Places of “higher learning”
Jewish students are in fear for their lives
Jewish people around the world are waking up
Recognizing the hatred of their enemies
Enemies supported by those whose consciences have been seared
Let us learn from history
Take terrorists and evil doers at their word
They desire the destruction of Israel and her people
Will we let that happen again
Or will we stand with Israel
“I will bless those who bless you.”
Will we stand idly by and do nothing
Or worse, align ourselves with those who hate Israel
“I will curse those who curse you.”
Lord, we are a people lost in our sin
Unmoored from a biblical foundation
Driven by feelings over rational, logical thoughts
Deceived and deceivers
Believing fiction over truth
Defending lawlessness and evil
You warned us in the Bible, these days would come
Our world is in a moral freefall
Getting worse day by day
We are sinners through and through
Apart from Christ Jesus the Lord we can do nothing
All our deeds are as filthy rags
Apart from His sacrificial death on the cross
To pay the penalty and sin debt for all who repent and believe
We are lost and without hope
Lord, use what is happening in the world today
To bring us to an end of ourselves
Bring us to repentance and faith in Christ
LORD, we take comfort in Your sovereignty
In the knowledge that all will give an account to You
The LORD God Almighty who sees and knows all things 
The One who is Holy, Holy, Holy
The One who is perfectly Just and Righteous
The One who gave His Only Begotten Son so that we might be saved
By Susan Bunts Wachtel
October 26, 2023

Saturday, October 07, 2023

Into the Fire by Irene Hannon – An Interesting and Satisfying Read

Irene Hannon has become one of my favorite writers.  I enjoy her romance stories and suspense novels.  That is why I was excited to read her newest book Into the Fire, the first book in the Undaunted Courage series.


Bri Tucker was scheduled to meet with retired arson investigator, Les Kavanaugh, to review several cases he thought merited further investigation.  Instead, she finds herself at Les’ home investigating a fire that has taken his life.  The next day Bri reluctantly accepts help from ATF Agent Marc Davis.  After Bri and Marc examined the scene, both agree that there wasn’t much of anything to suggest arson.  Just that nagging feeling that something is not right.  Though Bri and Marc find each other attractive, each has their own emotional baggage that may make developing a personal relationship difficult. 


I really liked this book.  I found the investigation of a fire very interesting.  What makes a fire suspicious vs accidental, and what information is relevant in an arson case.  I liked the characters.  At first, I wasn’t too keen on Bri.  But as her background was unveiled, I grew to appreciate her.  Marc was a wonderful character, kind, caring, wise, and protective.  Also enjoyed the Bri’s sister and brother and their close, and supportive relationships.  Loved Marc’s grandmother, such a sweet, wise, and caring woman. 


I did not suspect who the bad guy was.  Interesting that the story begins with the perspective of the arsonist.  About two thirds of the way through the story the bad guy is revealed, which causes the reader to look forward to seeing how the characters will solve the case.


Faith was part of the story, especially with Marc’s character.  I would like to have seen it even more with other characters. 


With the mix of an interesting plot, likeable characters, mystery, suspense, and romance, Into the Fire by Irene Hanson was an interesting and satisfying read.  I recommend it.  The book will be released on October 17, 2023.  


I would like to thank Revell Publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of Into the Fire by Irene Hannon.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Amish Matchmakers by Beth Wiseman – Enjoyable Characters, Friendship, Laughter, Romance


I find Amish fiction quite enjoyable and was excited to read Beth Wiseman’s newest book The Amish Matchmakers

Retired dentist, Dr. Benjamin Stoltzfus decided to move to Indiana to be near his only grandchild, Mindy.  He has rented a small cottage at the Peony Inn.  It is a bed and breakfast run by two Amish sisters, Esther, and Lizzie.  They have a reputation for matchmaking.  Now it seems they may have another match in mind, unbeknownst to one other.  Things may get a little complicated. 

I enjoyed reading this book, mostly because of the likable characters.  Esther and Lizzie, especially Lizzie, are very different than most characters in Amish fiction.   Lizzie has taken a liking to reading romance and true crime novels.  She does not hesitate to speak her mind and has become superstitious.  Esther is more sensible and down to earth, and tries to rein Lizzie in.  Benjamin is a bit of a mystery and he has some secrets he is not ready to share.  Ben’s granddaughter Mindy visits him regularly.  Following a car mishap, she meets Gabriel who helps around the inn. 

The characters are enjoyable and funny.  Ben’s not the only mysterious one.  It seems that each character has their own secrets they don’t want revealed.  Esther and Lizzie are caring towards one another and welcome others into their lives.  I liked Mindy and Gabriel’s relationship.  They were caring, responsible, and level headed with a little romance. 

I like Amish fiction because their world seems a little simpler and less complicated.  I enjoyed reading The Amish Matchmakers by Beth Wiseman.  While I don’t fully understand the issues surrounding an Amish person being involved with an Englisch person, I appreciated how that aspect of relationships were approached.  I also appreciated that this novel was clean. 

I recommend The Amish Matchmakers by Beth Wiseman.  It is a good and enjoyable story with likeable characters.  This book will be published October 17, 2023

I would like to thank Zondervan Fiction and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of The Amish Matchmakers by Beth Wiseman.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Seeds of Murder by Rosie Sandler – Interesting Mix of Gardening and Mystery

After reading the description of Seeds of Murder by Rosie Sandler, I wanted to give this British novel a try. I was hoping it would be reminiscent of Rosemary & Thyme, a nice mix of gardening and mystery.  

Steph Williams needs a job and hopes to be hired as the gardener at Beaulieu Heights, a small wealthy estate in England. Wherever Steph goes, her faithful companion Mouse goes too. To say that the residents are quirky is an understatement. Some are more welcoming than others. It seems that all the homeowners have their secrets. But would any of them be willing to break the law to protect their secrets? To steal, blackmail, or even commit murder? Just as Steph is getting a handle on the various gardens, she receives a threatening note. To make things worse, the residents have accused Steph of blackmail. How in the world will she clear her name, much less keep her job?

It took me a little while to get used to the first-person writing style and the British terms. But once I did, I enjoyed reading this book. I liked Steph and her dog Mouse. Loved reading the descriptions of the gardens, about plants and the work to be done. I could almost visualize the settings. The people in Beaulieu Heights, both residents and workers, were an interesting group. A few were friendly and some you would want to avoid. Steph was a very likable character, as was her dog. 

The residents of Beaulieu Heights were an interest mix. Though very wealthy and seemingly in need of nothing, their lives were a bit of trainwreck. I liked some of the friendships that Steph developed with both the residents and staff members. I enjoyed Steph’s relationship with her brother and parents. There were lots of weeds to dig through to get to the bottom of the mystery. I did not guess who the bad guy was.  

There were a few moments that I found touching. Like the kindness and encouragement of a few people when Steph stood wrongly accused. Or the support and love from her brother and dad. The progress in her relationship with her mom. 

Not going to give away the ending. But I would have liked to have seen justice. One mystery not wrapped up is what happened to Steph’s ex-husband who seemed to disappear.  

There is some profanity in the book, as well as revealing sexual immorality that some of the characters had been involved with. Thankfully, it did not go into graphic detail.  

I enjoyed reading this mystery Seeds of Murder by Rosie Sandler. It was a change of pace from my regular reading. If you enjoy mysteries and gardening, you might enjoy this novel.

I would like to thank Embla Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of Seeds of Murder by Rosie Sandler. I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.  



Countdown by Lynette Eason – Mixed Reaction


I have enjoyed several novels by Lynette Eason and was excited to read her newest release Countdown, the fourth book in the Extreme Measures series. 

Raina Price works as a flight paramedic along with her friends Penny and Holly.  Raina had to reinvent her life due to an abusive relationship from which she had escaped.  To protect herself and her loved ones there is no going back.  While watching sports news Raina sees a young snowboarder who is the spitting imagine of the man from whom she escaped.  If she has seen Michael Harrison, surely the boy’s father will see him and figure out who he is. How can she protect the boy?  Raina’s been feeling spooked lately, like someone has watching her.  US Marshal Vincent Covelli is concerned and wants to help Raina.  Will she accept his help or try to go it alone?  How can Vincent and law enforcement help protect Raina from a man whose true-identity and whereabouts are unknown?

This book had a lot of twists and turns.  The action and intrigue did not stop until the end. 

What I liked about the book: I appreciated the friendships that Raina had with Penny and Holly and their friends.  They were a closeknit group and there for each other, through thick and thin.  I liked Vincent, he was a very caring and patient man, ready to put himself in danger to protect Raina. 

What I struggled with: Countdown really stretched the imagination on believability.  I understand that there are evil people out there who are intent on causing harm and destruction.  But to have someone keep track of a person for many years, as well as those with associated with her, was not believable.  To be able track when she called a person after many years, who has the resources to that? 

It did not make sense that Raina who has been in constant fear for her life, especially following an incident, would come home and not lock the garage door.  Come on!  The logic on why the bad guy was doing what he did, it was a stretch too.

I would like to have seen the characters’ faith a bigger part of the story.  Instead, it seemed cursory. 

There were things I liked about Countdown and some things I was not too keen on.  I like Lynette Eason's writing, but Countdown was not my favorite.  If you are a fan of Lynette Eason and have read the earlier books in this series, you may enjoy it. 

I would like to thank Revell Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of Countdown by Lynette Eason.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.


Thursday, August 10, 2023

Wildflower Falls by Denise Hunter – Beautiful Setting and Likeable Characters


Wildflower Falls is Denise Hunter’s newest book, the fourth book in the Riverbend Romance series.  I was excited to read it because I have enjoyed a couple of other books by Denise. 

Following the death of their mother, Charlotte Simpson and her step-sister Emerson are owners of a horse ranch.  Charlotte is committed to making a go of the business.  Emerson, on the other hand, is not so keen on the idea.  But Charlotte is moving ahead and expanding the business.  She is having a new barn constructed to handle additional business.  She even hired a respected horse trainer Gunner Dawson to help with the horses, knowing he was only staying for a short while. 

In her mother’s paperwork, Charlotte found information about her biological father and learned that he may be related to an established family in the community.  How will she verify that information, and when should she make the facts known?  Emerson has been emotionally distant and Charlotte finds herself confiding in Gunner.  He is not only good with horses, but he has become a friend and is a good listener.

The storyline is what made me want to read this book.  I enjoyed reading about the scenery and horses in a beautiful small-town in North Carolina.  I found the story about finding her biological family interesting.  My favorite character was Gunner, who seemed to be a kind, caring, and trustworthy man.  I liked how their relationship grew.  I also liked Charlotte’s biological siblings and their families. 

I struggled with Charlotte a bit.  Her character was very self-focused.  The story seemed to drag for a while.  In the last part of the book, a slew of details was made known.  Those details would have made the story better if introduced earlier in the book.  I would like to have known the back story of Gunner earlier.  Without those background details, his actions did not seem logical or reasonable.  In fact, I was irritated that those details were added so late in the story.

The book was relatively clean.  I would like to have had the characters’ faith more fully developed.

While this was not my favorite Denise Hunter book, there were elements I enjoyed in the story.  If you like a beautiful rural setting, horses, nature, family, friendship, and a little romance, you may want to read Wildflower Falls by Denise Hunter.  This book will be released on September 12, 2023.

I would like to thank Thomas Nelson publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of Wildflower Falls by Denise Hunter.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 


Monday, August 07, 2023

The Cottage Garden by Claus Dalby - Chock Full of Inspiration and Ideas


If you are a gardener who is looking for inspiration and ideas to add to your own garden, you will want to read Claus Dalby’s newest book The Cottage Garden.  

Claus covers the history of Danish gardens and the English cottage gardens.  He introduces men and women who were influential in the style and design of cottage gardens.  Best of all are the wonderful pictures that fill this book showing gardens from around the world, including England, Germany, Denmark, New England, and Sweden.  I appreciate the detailed information that Claus shares about plants, varieties, and design elements in each garden.  He highlights big and small gardens and has photographs from the four seasons. 

The Cottage Garden by Claus Dalby is an inspiration to any gardener.  From style, to plants, to the exquisite beauty found on each page, readers will come away excited to try news plants and design in their own garden.  

I highly recommend The Cottage Garden by Claus Dalby.  It would be a lovely gift for gardeners, and those who love the beauty found in creation.  If you are looking for inspiration and help in your own garden, I encourage you read this book.  It will be released on September 5, 2023.  I look forward to get my own copy of this book.  

I would like to thank Quarto Publishing Group, Cool Springs Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a copy of The Cottage Garden by Claus Dalby.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

Saturday, July 15, 2023

The Raging Storm by Ann Cleeves – Unlikable Characters and Convoluted Story


Ann Cleeves is an excellent storyteller and I was excited for the opportunity to read her new book The Raging Storm, the third book in the Detective Matthew Venn series.  I have not read the first two books. 


Matthew Venn and his team were called to handle a case in Greystone, Devon after a famous sailor and adventurer, Jem Rosco, has been found dead in a dinghy.  Though Jem hails from the Greystone area, he is not necessarily considered a local hero by those who knew him way back when.  Will the investigators be able to draw out the truth from the people in this community?


I wanted to like this book, but I really struggled with the characters.  The main character Matthew was not likable.  He came off as a miserable man, who chose to carry the baggage from his past, and have a chip on his shoulder.  At times he treated his team poorly and seemed to have a low opinion of them, as well as the townspeople. 


Of all the characters I liked Sergeant Jen Rafferty the best.  Her character was better developed and came across likeable.  Though things are not easy in her life, she doesn’t wallow in self-pity.  Ross May’s character was rather flat and the object of Matthew’s criticism. 


From Matthew’s experience of religion, to the people in the community that seemed rather cultish, Christianity was portrayal as unhealthy.  It was an unrealistic portrayal of Christian believers. 


The story was very convoluted.  The people in the community seems rather insular and secretive, not the kind of folks you want to spend time with.  There were only a few characters that were somewhat likeable.  The story seemed to drag on and I just wanted it to end.  From the town, to most the characters everything about this booked seemed rather grey and unappealing. 


I have enjoyed Ann Cleeve’s other books and movies taken from her novels.  But The Raging Storm was not appealing.  When the main character is so off-putting it doesn’t make a good foundation for a story.  I would like have to have had the other characters on Matthew’s team better developed. 


Because of the unlikable main character Matthew and the convoluted story that dragged on, I didn’t care for The Raging Storm. 


I would like to thank St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read Ann Cleeve’s book The Raging Storm.  I received a complimentary copy of this book and was under no obligation to give a favorable review.  The Raging Storm is schedule to be released September 5, 2023. 

Friday, June 16, 2023

No More Secrets by Betty Webb – Interesting, Relatable and Personable History

After reading biographies and World War II history books, I was interested in reading Betty Webb’s book No More Secrets.  WWII is such a pivotal and interesting time in history.  A time that could have had a much different outcome if not for God’s providence and the men and women who worked tirelessly to win the war against evil.


Unlike government leaders or high-ranking military commanders, Betty was an ordinary young woman in Great Britain who answered the call when her Country was facing the battle against the evil forces of Nazi Germany.  Like many other men and women in the allied forces, they stepped up when their Country and the world needed them most. 


I enjoyed learning about her family life in a small town in England and found it interesting how Betty learned to speak a foreign language, and went to Germany in 1937, before WWII.  That experience proved beneficial for the work she would one day do at Bletchley Park and later the Pentagon.


Thanks to Betty Webb writing and sharing about her service in the ATS, we can have an idea of what their lives were like during those tumultuous years.  Betty was 18 years old when she enlisted in the ATS.  While technically, she was qualified to remain at home and care for her mother, Betty signed up to serve her Country.  Can you imagine what it was like to go from living with your family at home to sharing living space with hundreds of other women from all over.


While Betty wanted to be a driver in the ATS, because of her foreign language skills she was assigned to serve at Bletchley Park.  She would serve in different roles as part of the process to decode the German messages that were intercepted.  Something as simple as filing was a very important role and handled circumspectly. 


The work done at Bletchley was very compartmentalized and workers only knew that part of the work that they did.  Each person that served had taken an oath of secrecy which they took very seriously.  It wasn’t until many years later that the work done in WWII was declassified and could be talked about.  In No More Secrets, Betty shares writings from other authors about their experiences and work. 


After the Allied victory in Europe, Betty was called to serve at the Pentagon in the USA to help in the work to decode the Japanese war messages.  Before long there was victory over Japan.  It was fascinating to see the differences in how the United States was impacted by the war, verses Great Britain. 


I was glad that the book did not end with the victory in WWII.  Betty went on to write and speak about her life during WWII.  Even now, Betty at the age of 100 continues to share about her experiences serving Great Britain and with their alley the United States of America.


I found No More Secrets by Betty Webb an interesting history from the perspective of an ordinary citizen who was called to serve during an extraordinary time in history.  It was quite a different pace and more personable than a book written by a government or miliary leader and was very relatable.


I highly recommend No More Secrets by Betty Webb!  


I would like to thank Ad Lib Publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of No More Secrets by Betty Webb.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Double Indemnity by Robert Whitlow – Missed the Mark


I had the opportunity Robert Whitlow’s newest book Double Indemnity, which will be released June 6, 2023.  Since I enjoy mysteries, suspense, and legal thrillers, I’ve read and enjoyed Robert Whitlow’s other books. 


Double Indemnity takes place in Bryson, a small town in Georgia.  The story begins with pastor Connor Grantham hiking through the woods, part of it on private property.  When he spotted a massive buck with antlers passing by, he took a video.  Suddenly he encountered a hunter who stumbled and fell.  Assuming the man was pursuing the deer Connor thought nothing of the chance encounter. 


The story then goes back three weeks prior and leads up to the present time.  Readers are introduced to Liz Acosta who works for Pollard and Associates law firm.  She is relatively new to the community.  Sometimes Liz feels like she was hired because of her ability to speak and translate Spanish.  But now she has an opportunity to represent a new client, Elena Thompson, who is seeking legal counsel regarding her troubled marriage and a possible divorce.  Elena and her husband Matt are in marriage counseling with their pastor Connor.  It’s an understatement to say that both Liz and Connor will be challenged in their jobs to handle Elena Thompson and the ever-widening chaos and drama that swirls around her. 


I was looking forward to reading Double Indemnity, but I really struggled to get through this book.  It was very slow in story development.  But the biggest stumbling block for me were the main characters.  I didn’t like Connor, Elena, Matt and felt neutral about Liz.  When I don’t like or connect with the characters, I’m probably not going to like the book.


Connor Grantham was a pastor who developed his sermons based on his experiences in nature and found Scripture to make the point of his illustration.  He seemed drawn to mysticism and experiences, rather than sound Bible teaching.  He lacked wisdom and discernment, especially in his dealings with Elena.  He seemed surprised that by trespassing he was violating the law and was a suspect in the murder of Matt Thompson.  Not to mention he returned to the scene of the crime multiple times.  He seemed to jump whenever Elena said jump and would ask how high.  Something that made no sense to me was when he touched and removed evidence from a potential crime scene.


Elena was probably one of the most dislikable characters I’ve read about in a long time.  Innocent or guilty, she was terrible.  She treated everyone like they were at her beckon call and most everyone went along with her.


Liz showed some common sense and reason, especially compared to the other characters.  Some of the secondary background characters were likeable. 


The story dragged through a good part of the story.  I couldn’t understand why there was so little support for Connor from his friends and congregation.  Then it seemed like the story came to an abrupt conclusion.  It was only at the end that friends came alongside Connor and tried to help him. 


If you are a Robert Whitlow fan or like legal suspense stories, you may like this book.


I wanted to like this book.  But I found Double Indemnity hard to read because the story dragged, moved ever so slowly, and most of the main characters were not likable.  Sound Christian faith was lacking in this book.  Because of that I don’t recommend this book.


I would like to thank Thomas Nelson Publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of Double Indemnity by Robert Whitlow.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 


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