Monday, May 30, 2005

Fathers, Sons and the Lessons of War

Check out the attached article by Frank Schaeffer.

Frank is the author of terrific book "Faith of our Sons". Be sure to check it out...Especially if you have a son in the marines or serving in a branch of the military.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

A Message to the Compromising Republican Seven

You went down the wrong road when you chose to compromise with the Democrats on their continuing misuse of the filibuster against judicial appellate court nominees.

I don't get it! Now is the time for courage and fortitude. Now is the time to "suck it up" and take whatever verbal hits come from the mainstream media and from those who disagree. Now is the time to do right thing! Now is the time that we need to shut the door on this unprecedented abuse of the filibuster by the Democrats.

We needed to be positioned correctly for what will soon be one or more openings on the Supreme Court. If the Dem's are doing this now for appellate court nominees...what do you think they'll do when it comes to the Supreme Court nominees?

We can't afford to throw overboard four strong conservative judicial nominees who will base their rulings on the Constitution of the United States of America...and not try to make law via the bench. Interpret the law...not make the law. We need every last one of them on the bench. Not sacrificed to appease the vocal sore losing Democrats.

These seven Democratic Senators have a different world view. Their interpretation of extraordinary circumstances will be quite different than a conservative Republican's view. They made be fine neighbors and friends...good and descent people. But they can not be trusted when it comes to carrying out their political agenda.

To my Seven Republican were absolutely wrong in your decision to compromise with the Democrats.

We need strong men and women representing conservatives who will demonstrate courage and fortitude. I sincerely hope that your constituents make your failure known to you by replacing you at re-election time with a person who will uphold conservative views unwaveringly. Send you off with a nice retirement package...for some fun and sun in Hawaii...but not allow you to continue represent the conservative base of our party.

Carl's Jr. - What are you thinking?

Alright...I admit it...I was wrong in poising that question. Obviously you folks aren't doing a lot of thinking these day. Not when you are using Paris Hilton in a pornographic commercial to promote your product.

Carl's Jr. who would say is your main target customer base? Do you think that families are a big part of your business? If they are a significant portion of your business why in the world are you airing a commercial that is offensive to families?

Paris Hilton is a glorified slut. Your commercial is pornographic in nature. What you are doing is slapping every God fearing American family in the face.

Just what we need...more commercials to encourage our young boys to fantasize and view women strictly as sex objects or engage in sex outside of marriage. Just what we need to do...put more enticements into a married man's head...when when our real goal should be to encourage and support strong marriages and families.

Frankly...I like Carl's Jr's food better than McDonald's or other fast food places. But I can assure you money won't be spent at Carl's Jr.

Now on the other hand if you come out with an apology and pull the awful commercial from the airways...I will feel comfortable in spending my money at Carl's Jr. Until such money is going elsewhere.

Celeb's...Please Zip It!

Celebrities...I beg of you...I implore you...please zip it when it comes to sharing your political rhetoric or your profound take on moral issues. I concur and second Laura Ingraham's advise to "Shut up and Sing".

Folks you have no idea...of rapidly growing list of celebrities whose movies I will never see or music I will not listen to, much less purchase. Your political views are so naive. (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt when saying naive.) The manner in which you so freely espouse your views, takes ones breath away. For you to believe that any thinking person gives a hoot and a holler about what you think or feel is truly amazing. You are uneducated and lead insular don't hear other points of view or the reasons behind it. Therefore you don't have to confront or examine your own point of view. The lives you lead...don't even suggest that you have any concern for morality or accountability to a Holy and Righteous God.

Absolutely we live in a free society in which you can freely speak your mind...and support whatever causes you feel are worthy and just. But I beg of you...please stop being so vocal on your political views and the moral issues of the day. God may have blessed you with extraordinary talent...but that doesn't mean you've been gifted with intellectual capabilities, wisdom or discernment.

As you continue to speak up so list of people whose work I can never view or listen to again...grows by leaps and bounds. I'm even willing to sacrifice hearing from those few celebrities whose views I do agree with...if it means not hearing from the leftist Celeb's any more.

When I see your movies now...or hear your songs...instead of seeing an intriguing character, a well written story or a hearing a moving song...I remember your outspoken comments on politics or America and how wretched you think we are.

As you continue to speak up...the number of people willing to spend their hard earned cash supporting a celebrity whose political views and life is in complete opposition reality and morality will continue to decline.

For your own sake...for you own financial benefit...Leftist Celebrities...please zip it!

Chuck and the Kindred Guys 5/22/05

The first Sunday...following Chuck shaving his head. A number of the Kindred guys standing with him...also shaved off their locks. Posted by Hello

Gayle at Brighton Gardens...2004 Posted by Hello

Alzheimer's...the Winding Road 5/29/05

5/29/05 - I'm learning that you don't have to have memories to be happy. My mom, a relatively bright and cheery person day to day. Sometimes she has her days...where she's difficult and feisty. But overall she's happy. Her memory continues to decline. Usually she knows I'm Susan. Sometimes she thinks I'm her daughter...or her sister...or and old school mate.

Sometimes I'll quiz her to see what she's thinking about...what she remember about the past. Her memory continues to slip away. Not sure how much of it is the memories slipping away as opposed to her verbal capabilities declining...and not being able to express or put into words what she thinking, remembering or feeling.

Before I was so focused on the losses and everything this wretched disease was taking away. But now over time...I'm at a place where I'm focused on "the now". Making the time I do spend with her a fun time. In the past I was more focused on some anger that all of a sudden here I was having to be responsible for, take care of and be loving towards a parent with whom I didn't feel particularly close to. I carried some resentment over things that happened, or were said...and now here was someone taking withdrawals from an emotional bank account that she hadn't made many deposits into.

Thankfully that's has changed. Not perfect...and it has it's bumpy days too...but overall it's better. My expectations are much less...more realistic. I'm not trying to balance things...and keep things normal for Gayle...when obviously things will never be normal again. The best choice was moving her into the Alzheimer's unit...where she gets more care and is made to participate in activities. It's simpler and at her level. The people around her are also at a declining functioning level. So she doesn't seem to pretend to be normal as much as she use to.

Like all things viewed in 20/20 hindsight...I wish I had done things differently earlier. I tried for so long to keep things as normal as possible for as long as possible for her. Thinking that's what she wanted. When in probably made things worse. She tended try and act normal when it was beyond her capabilities. That ended up causing frustation, stress and anger.

Sometimes seeing her now...I feel like I'm seeing what she was like as a child. I see her so vulnerable...and I'm grateful to God for providing Brighton Gardens...and the money for her monthly rent. Yet...I still do pray that God would be merciful and let her pass away in her sleep...before she's too far gone. But until such time...provide for her needs and mine...and give strength and wisdom...and some good times and fun too.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

We Will Always Remember...Sept 11th
The events from almost four years ago now...stay firmly planted in my mind. There is not a day that goes by...that I don't remember or reflect on the events of that horrific day. Sometimes it's before I'm even out of bed...or when I'm out for my morning walk. Every time I do my laundry...I think of Sept 11th...because that is what I was doing that early morning. I thank God that I haven't forgotten...and am forever changed. I am so grateful to be an American and live in this beloved county...the United States of America. Posted by Hello

Freedom's Flame Display - September 2002

September 2005 Posted by Hello
“Will You Ever?”
By Susan Bunts
October 25, 2001

Will you ever see a jet flying overhead
without being reminded of September 11th?

Will you ever see a plane again
without remembering images of a plane crashing into a building?

Will you ever see a skyscraper again
without envisioning innocent people plunging to their deaths and buildings crumbling to the ground?

Will you ever again see a fireman or policeman
without imagining them rushing in to save lives...
only to loose their own?

Will you ever...see the American flag
or hear America the Beautiful
or see our proud and brave military
without a tear coming to your eye?

I hope not...I pray not...
Remember 9/11...

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Shut up & Vote

To my Democratic friends across the aisle...I beg of you to please shut up...and let the judicial candidates come to a vote before the full senate.

If you believe the person should not be confirmed, make your case...share whatever facts or reasons you believe they should be declined. Then have the candidate come up for a vote. If your argument is true, compelling and persuasive...the candidate will be denied.

But if in fact your disagreement and dislike holds no weight...then the candidate will be confirmed. Be gracious and move on. Do the job to which you were elected.

To my Republican truly must stand up and end this tyranny of the minority. Vocal though they may it the time for them to zip the lip...and vote. Up or down...but vote.

My Cross on the Hill

My Kindred Cross on the Hill Posted by Hello

My Cross on the Hill at Kindred Community Church

Among the many things I give thanks for is Kindred Community Church and my Pastor, Chuck Obremski.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Alzheimer's...the Winding Road

I wish I had started this three years ago...when this journey began. I have learned so much...from the mistakes I've made...the few things I did right.

I wonder just how much God has carried me and enabled me at each step. Kind of like the man walking on the beach...sees two sets of footprints from he and God. When he see just one set he asks God...where were you? God tell the man...He carried him then

A few lessons I've learned...

Low expectations is a really good thing. It takes punch out of disappointments and hurts that you will encounter. It's a very freeing concept...and will reduce everyone's stress level exponentially.

Sometimes I feel almost like I don't care about how my mother feels with Alzheimer's. In some's allowed me to carry on and not be overwhelmed. If I were to focus for any length of time...on the losses that my mom has endured...I would be paralyzed and overwhelmed to point of inaction. I wouldn't be able to function and make the decisions I need to make to take care of things right now.

There will come a day and time in which God will make it right...and give beauty for the ashes of Alzheimer's.

There are times...moments when I have a flash of how horrifying this whole thing takes my breath away...and then I have to move on and get back to the present. When my mom does die...then I will be able to reflect more fully. Right now...I need to keep my focus.

I thank God that he has made me a strong person...and enabled me.

Sacrificial Courage...Sgt. Rafael Peralta

Marine cradled grenade to save livesSgt. Rafael Peralta made the ultimate sacrifice in Fallujah
By Tony Perry and Richard Marosi, Los Angeles Times

SAN DIEGO — Sgt. Rafael Peralta is dead, but the story of his sacrifice to save fellow Marines will live long in Marine Corps lore.

Please check out the linked above. Rafael Peralta...was the embodiment of saving the lives of his fellow Marines.

No greater love hath a congregation than this...for their pastor.

Your prayers for Chuck, Linda and the Obremski family are much coveted and appreciated. Chuck begins a new chemo treatment today. Posted by Hello

Only yourself to thank!

Now Robert and gentlemen have only yourself to thank (or is that blame)...for this blogging thing.

As you may were quite persuasive that I was behind the times...and truly must go from dial up to DSL.

Well the deed is done...and you were ever so right. Now that my wings are no longer clipped...I am free to blog away.

So now...not only do you have to endure my not so pithy comments at have sleep at night knowing that you unleashed me on the blogosphere.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

"Be a pig for Jesus!" -- Chuck Obremski

"Are you like the chicken...who makes a contribution to your breakfast plate? Or are you like the pig who is fully committed?"
"The first time you quit, it make quitting easier the next time." -- Chuck Obremski
"There is no panic in heaven, only plans." -- Chuck Obremski

Dennis Prager's Happiness Hour Chronic Complainers - 5/13/05

Chronic Complainers
Notes from the Dennis Prager Show
Prager Happiness Hour 5-13-05

- Life is filled with adversity for all.
- Complaining is toxic.
- Our behavior effects us first…you complain you destroy your chances for happiness first.

- It also affects others.
- Chronic complainers are the living embodiment of narcissism.
- Chronic complainers are toxic…not only make others around them unhappy…but
also themselves.
- They complain…but it doesn’t make them happy.
- Comedians complain…but they are making fun of themselves.
- The chronic complainer…doesn’t want you to laugh at them…but say woe unto you…
wants your sympathy.
- Always something to complain about.
- People think that life is great for the happy person…that they have everything.
- Instead the happy person has worked at being happy…being grateful and not complaining.
- Chronic complainers to be avoided at all costs.
- The unhappy are chronic complainers…because they complain to themselves.
- Chronic complainers…suck the life out of themselves and others.

- Chronic complainers…suck the life out of you – caller Kate in Minneapolis.
- That which you focus on (aim) you will hit - Dan in Denver.
- Chronic complainers feel a sense of entitlement…complain when life doesn’t meet
their expectations - Connie in Phoenix - From a book “The Lies We Believe”.
- Realized I was unhappy because I always complained - Angel – Northridge, Ohio.
- Didn’t want to be a victim anymore - Michelle in Minneapolis.
- Makes his kids say, “Whenever I whine and complain, I get nothing.” - Lincoln
in Orange County, CA.
- Went through a 12 step program and found having God in my life really helps -
Tom in Phoenix.
- When I became more grateful I stopped complaining as much – Sharon, West Hills, CA.
- People complain about two things…people and things – Stan, Santa Clarita, CA.

Living Life in the Light of Eternity 5/15/05

Notes from Chuck Obremski's sermon on 5/15/05
Series - Living Life in the Light of Eternity - Life in the Intermediate Heaven

- Death is not the end of the road...but a bend in the road.
- Our convictions aren't really ours until we've paid for them.
- God's judgment will make sense in heaven...when we have fuller perspective and see

things how God sees its.
- Trust God for a future promise to be fulfilled.
- Live life in the light of eternity...and know that He will make everything right in His time.

What would it take for you to deny your Savior?

When we die...we are relocated to heaven: existence continues, able to call out and express in a loud voice, fully conscience, rational, those in heaven are free to ask God questions. We will remember life on earth, we will be comforted by God, give an account, memories will be better, realized what is happening on earth, how will we be's a matter of perspective, will be in the presence of God, we will rejoice when a sinner repents, will know when a person genuinely trusted in a possessor or just professes of eternal life. Will continue to have relationships with persons on earth...we will pray for them, spend time talking with God.

- God communicates with people in heaven. We won't know everything...we will be asking God questions. In heaven there is time.

- Rest and have God's time table.

- We die by divine appointment...on time...on God's time table.

Hope’s Enduring Echo by Kim Vogel Sawyer – A Lovely, Enjoyable, and Inspirational Read

  Hope’s Enduring Echo is Kim Vogel Sawyer’s new book.  I have only read one other book by this author.  So glad I found this novel it was...