Fireproof...the Blog
A place for Susan's musing, fussing, praise and thanksgiving...on life, religion and politics.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Kindred Community Church Adult Choir singing one of my favorite songs. The choir continues to grow and they sound marvelous.
In this song...I can get lost in worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is a small taste of heaven.
Tell Tale Signs

The body of Christ
Suffered another assault today
By one who calls himself Christian
By outward appearances
The signs were all there
Indeed he put on a good show
In church each Sunday
With Bible in hand
He even shared Christ with those not yet saved
A fish symbol strategically placed on his car
A bumper sticker proclaiming
Know Jesus, Know Peace
But closer examination
By the One who looks upon the heart
Revealed a wolf in sheep’s clothing
Sacred vows made to love his wife
As Christ so loved the church
Were set aside and trampled underfoot
His children
Once beloved were now forgotten
In his quest for personal happiness
The Lord whom he proclaimed to love
With all his heart, mind, soul and strength
Was long forgotten as he raised himself in God’s place
Destruction and devastation lay in the wake
From the vehicles of lies and deceit
No concern is demonstrated for those he once claimed to love
Those who once admired the Lord’s blessings to this man
Stand with their mouth gapping
Poised and ready to utter the words hypocrite and liar
The witness for Christ
He so carefully sought to build and protect
Now lies in the heap covered by selfishness and pride
Oh Lord, even now we lift up this one so deceived
Like a lamb led to slaughter
So willingly he followed the father of lies
We pray for his salvation
Forgiveness for his sins
That without Jesus he will have no peace
Like the prodigal son
May he come to his senses
And return to the Father whom he once he loved
By Susan Bunts
September 26, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Dissention…Reporting for Duty
Here I am boss
Reporting for duty
Have I got a good report for you
The assignment you gave
I executed with ease
As I got those tongues wagging
That place which seeks to be a beacon on a hill
Reflecting the Light of the world
Instead grew a little dimmer today
I started with those who are idle
Who have the time to talk
In no time at all…the seed of gossip blossomed
The trick is
When they are talking about others
They don’t have time to read the word of God
When they are negative and brooding
Completely lacking the joy of the Lord
They are not taking every thought captive
When they spend time
Debating about which songs should be sung
They don’t have the time to worship their Lord
When they set aside the diligent study of the Bible
How can they hold it up
To examine themselves in light of God’s word
When the rest on their laurels
Feel comfortable in their accomplishments
They won’t desire a fresh work of God in their life
When they fail to trust and respect
The leaders whom God raised up
A negative critical spirit takes its place
When they attempt to love on their own power
They will be unable to bear all things, nor hope and believe
Their love will never endure on its own
Some I will lure into exhaustion
Through pressing needs, good works and few helping hands
It’s there I will stir up resentment
May they bow their knee to their Lord
But never their will
There they can rest in a false sense of piety
Oh hater of their soul
The fruits of our labor
Are plentiful and abundant
May they never see it
Or recognize the handwriting of our work
It’s there we can turn them against one another
Render ineffective their witness
When they are focused on one another
They won’t remember to take the gospel to the lost and dying world
by Susan Bunts
September 23, 2008
Hope’s Enduring Echo by Kim Vogel Sawyer – A Lovely, Enjoyable, and Inspirational Read
Hope’s Enduring Echo is Kim Vogel Sawyer’s new book. I have only read one other book by this author. So glad I found this novel it was...
Do you ever need to remind yourself on who your God is? Praying this list by Priscilla Shirer will encourage and strengthen your hear...
Recently, I had the privilege of reading Jerry Bridges’ book “Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate.” Reading this book proved...