Saturday, March 15, 2008

Level Ground

If the cross were ever before me,
How would it affect my choices,
Would I willfully, so easily step into sin,
Or see sin’s true cost and flee?

If only I could see His nail pierced hands,
Know the agony and pain He endured,
That He willingly, with full knowledge,
Took upon Himself so that I might be freed.

If only I could know of God’s righteous anger,
His wrath poured out upon my sin,
If only I could comprehend His great love,
That by grace He provided a way that I might be saved.

If only I could see,
That it was His precious blood,
Flowing abundant and free,
That has cleansed me and made me whole.

Oh....that I would be mindful,
That at the foot of the cross all ground is level,
There I stand no better than the other sinner,
Who was saved...just like me.

The same blood,
Shed by the same Savior,
Covers our sins,
Saving us from the same eternity spent in hell.

By Susan Bunts
March 15, 2008

This is dedicated to a certain someone. May you never believe the lies of enemy...but instead be strong in the Lord and the strength of His might. Praise God...we have been freed from the power of sin. May we loudly proclaim...we are free at last!

As a is important that I be mindful that my salvation was based on Jesus Christ and His righteousness. That He willing took my sins...upon Himself and paid the penalty of God’s wrath for my that I might be saved. He died so that I might be clothed in His righteousness and have eternal life.

While no one likes to admit they are a sinner it seems that there are certain sins that are more acceptable than other...sins that are ubiquitous. Then there are other sins that are anathema.

But it’s important that I remember that my sins would have put in me in hell...that at the foot of the cross...the ground is level. That Jesus blood was shed for me...and necessary to cleanse me and make whole again. It took the same blood to save me as the greatest sinner.

I have no place bragging expect in Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

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