Monday, November 07, 2005

High View of God

In the last month…I’ve heard a new concept that I don’t recall hearing before. It seems like when God wants to reinforce a message he does so quite handily…usually through repetition. I first heard it at Bible Study Fellowship and then again with Gordon Kirk…one our guest Pastors speaking at Kindred Community Church.

This concept is one of having a high view of God and a low view of man. Contrast that, with having a high view of man and a low view of God. When you think about it…your view and understanding about God and who he is will impact every area of your life.

I’m trying to digest this concept…and incorporate it into my life and my way of thinking. Let me first state unequivocally that I can state like Paul…I am chief among sinners. In fact I think I may be able to easily unseat him in that category. So as I work through my understanding of this…know that I am keenly aware of my fallen state.

I can also look around and see how having an incorrect understanding and perspective of God, will impact what decisions I make. When I look at in my own life, and examples in the lives of friends and family I am amply warned on the importance of having a balanced and right concept about God.

Yet, I need look no further than the Bible for examples on having a low view of God. In Genesis we see Eve and Adam choosing to disobey God’s command to not eat the fruit from the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”.

Genesis 3:16 - 17 - And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."

When the serpent temped Eve, he first cast doubt on God’s Word, asking “did God really say”?

After Eve explained Gods command and the resulting consequence if they failed to obey, the serpent made God out to be a liar who wanted to withhold good and desirable things from Adam and Eve.

Genesis 3:4 – 5 - 4 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. 5 "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

Here we can see having a high view of man and low view of God in action. Eve in her desire to become like God by attaining knowledge of good and evil raises herself up, and lowers God.

It’s ironic that in her quest to become like God, Eve instead becomes less like God. At that point, her nature has been changed and she is a sinner. As a result…she will also drink of the bitter cup of death. Immediately a spiritual death or separation from God. Later a physical death…as sin takes its toll and decay, death and destruction rein.

Eve temped Adam to also eat of the fruit. Adam also demonstrates a low view of God…by listening to Eve instead of obeying God’s command.

Now it didn’t take long for sin to rein supreme in man. Cain and Able, the first generation from Adam and Eve, had the first murder. Cain sought to go to God and bring him an offering of his choosing, not what was pleasing to God. When Able’s offering was pleasing and acceptable to God…Cain was angry and downcast.

God went to Cain and encouraged him to do what was right and also warned him about going down the road of anger. But Cain chose to listen to his own feelings…and that resulted in Cain committing the first act of murder.

When God confronted Cain…he was concerned about how the consequences of his sin would effect him, rather than repenting before a holy, righteous and just God.

Not too many generations after this…God found mankind to be so sinful that he found it better to wipe out all human and animal life, except Noah, his family and the animals on the ark. Despite this relatively fresh start…man’s sinful nature has continued it’s course.

It is only by receiving a
new nature, when we are born again, that we can begin to obey God. We are told that we must put on our new self and conversely put off our old nature.

Like I said earlier…I am chief among sinners. Unlike Paul…I could not say with confidence
follow my example as I follow Christ.

It is not until we die and are completely transformed that we will be able sin no longer. However it is the Word of God that can change us and transform us. Paul tells that the
Word of God washes and cleanses us. That is why it is so critical to be reading God’s word and putting in your heart and mind daily.

Be ye transformed: Romans 12:2 - Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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