Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Tagged...But in a Good Way

I've had the privilege of being "tagged" by David Pilgrim entering his second year of blogging.

This game of tag is both fun and sobering. Please sure to click over to David's website and check out his postings which are always an encouragement. David is open and transparent...and his deep abiding faith shines through. So David...thanks for the invite to play. Here are my responses:

1. What comes to mind/what is your heart's response when you think of or hear the word..."CALVARY"?

The cross...on which my precious Savior died...shedding his blood to pay for my sins (with the hymn...The Old Rugged Cross in my head). Thank you Jesus!

2. What would you like to have inscribed on your tombstone?

She finished well....she kept the faith and brought praise and glory to her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. She will be greatly missing by her loving husband ______. (P.S. Yo...what are you doing here? She's not here...she's in heaven!) (Sorry David...I couldn't resist a wee bit more than one sentence.)

3. Which attribute of God do you find yourself revelling in the most?

Grace, grace, God's grace...grace that is greater than all my sins...of which I'm keenly aware and ever mindful of.

Likewise...I'm going to "tag" a few new blogger friends. I look forward to seeing your responses. The real challenge is to keep it brief...a sentence or two. For those of you who don't have a blog...perhaps this will tempt you to start one. Or at least take a few minutes to answer these questions yourself. Feel free to leave your clicking on "comments" link below.

(And yes...I do have a name or two I wouldn't mind seeing in that blank spot following the word husband.)


Anonymous said...

I'm interested

Who's name would you like top see after husband?

Anonymous said...

So...what exactly is "tag"? :) Doesn't look too bad...

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