Saturday, February 04, 2006

Give up?

Did you ever feel like giving up on someone?

You try and try…and no matter what…it’s not working. You feel like you're throwing a ball…but they are not tossing it back. They catch it and hang on to it…or worse, just let it drop to the ground.

So you get discouraged…and throw up hands in the air and feel like walking away. Just give up and move on.

But then you remember. You remember that God didn’t give up on you. When you were faithless, he was faithful. When you wandered down that wrong path or took a wrong turn he was there when you turned around.

And God placed people in your life…that believed in you…or had faith in you. Even when you didn’t deserve it or do anything to earn it…they believed in you. When you did something stupid…they didn’t reject you. When it took you too long to come to your senses…they were there waiting and ready to walk with you once again.

So how do you back off and give someone space…without giving up on them? Or say “Okay…when you are ready…you let me know.”?

I don’t know. In some respects…it’s easier giving up. The pain isn’t ongoing, with an uncertain end in sight.

But then you think to yourself…if that was me…would I want them to give up on me? And the answer of course…is no. I guess that’s where patience, hope and perseverance comes in…and love? And maybe being willing to risk or accept a loss…on something may never come.

But ever hopeful that things will be made right…and God will redeem the time.

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