Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Servant as a Giver

Notes from Chuck Obremski's sermon 8/7/05

The Servant as a Giver
Mark 10:45

Mark 10:45 - "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

1. Genuine servants should give anonymously. (
Matt 6:1-4)
2. Genuine servants should giver generously. (
2 Tim 1:15-18, and 2 Cor 8:1-4)
3. Genuine servants should give voluntarily. (
2 Cor 8:3-4, 9:7 and 1 Peter 5:2-7)
4. Genuine servants should give personally. (
2 Tim 1:16-18 and 2 Cor 8:1-5)

We are always looking for an out...a way not to give...because we are selfish.

Philippians 2:1-4, we learn that we are to put others first, ahead of ourselves. Do nothing out of selfish ambition...or empty conceit. Don't let these control what you do. It can be counteracted by what we learn from the word of God. If we know we are prone to these things - selfishness, conceit and pride we need to come up with counter measures. We also need to understand our tendency...and then take action.

Chuck then used a number of sports analogies...most of which were baseball or football related...and went right over this girls head. However one point he made I did understand...we can't get behind in the count. Instead we need to replace these tendencies with humility of mind. This is how we counteract selfishness and end conceit.

How? By regarding others as more important than yourself. If we do this, we will not fall prey to our selfish and prideful tendencies.

Do you look for ways to support, encourage and build others up? Humility is in the attitude...a preset attitude. Today I am going to care more about those around me. Put others first. With the Holy through us we learn to live out what is unnatural. Today...put others first.

Romans 12:10-13, 1 Cor 2:3-5, 2 Cor 3:5...don't worry about judging the motives of others based on what they say. Why? Because when we do we are way off base. We are projecting. Changes our heart, causes us to be bitter. Instead we need to let God judge and deal with it.

Gal 5:13 - Serve one another in love. 1 these 2:7-8 & 5:11, encourage one another. Do people like being around you? Do people feel like something is missing when you are not around? Do you always have something good to say? Yet not compromising the truth...but instead speaking the truth in love. Are you missed? Do you contribute something positive and towards others? To their growth and walk with the Lord?

Where do you turn when you need God's truth and help? Will people look to you as someone with that wisdom?

Do you encourage and build up others? want to also be balanced. Must not come from a place in which you feel inferior. Not be intimidated by any man. Even now we can come boldly because we know God...Christ and Him crucified. Not inferior. It's all about Jesus...and to Him alone will I bow.

Who is your hero? Is it Jesus? As a could it not be Jesus?

How should a servant give? With anonymity...
Matt 6:1-4. Let no one know what you are doing. No bragging, fanfare or recognition. We serve a mighty God. Give and He will reward at the proper time.

A former President commented about choosing cabinet appointees. I chose people who had a passion for anonymity. They want to come in and get the work done. Don't care about recognition.

When we give and want to be recognized by men, we have already received our reward. Does it even compare to God's reward? What he sees in secrete he will reward openly. A reflection of the hearts of men if they only get recognition. Ask yourself why do you give?

2 Cor 8:9...talks about giving. Every financial decision is a spiritual decision. 2 Cor 8:1-5...practice the art of unselfish giving. Seek to remain anonymous.

2 Tim 1:15-18. Onesiphorus was continually looking out for Paul in the prison he could give and minister to his needs. Searched hard...and was likely abused in the process. God will not forget him.

Give to others in the midst of our own needs. That is awesome and godly...what a servant is all about. God will keep working on us to conform us not the image of Christ.

2 Cor 8:3-4...gave freely of their own accord...looking out for the needs of one another. Don't hall your baggage to this church. Let it go...let's start fresh. Let's trust that God will do a mighty work. Work if we are obedient, servant and willing giver. 2 Cor 9:7...thoughtful and cheerful giver.

How many people speak out when they are hurting? They don't speak out...until we reach out to them and say I care about you. We are to bear one another's burdens. Ministry is personal.

2 Cor 8:1-5...give yourself first to the Lord. First we need a heart transformed.

We are never more like God than when we give

Be sure to check out the online Kindred Community Church. Available for download.


Maverick SM said...

Eruditing and a strong message.
God bless you.

Unknown said...

Great Post! God Bless You.

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