Sunday, July 10, 2005

A Lesson in How to Die

Notes from Chuck Obremski’s sermon 7/10/05

Today's sermon was appropriately named. Not so much in the content that was spoken...but it was a living example, a lesson in how to live and die...for Christ.

Below is the outline from Chuck’s sermon…but today’s sermon was not on point, but instead it was from the heart. While cancer has robbed my beloved Pastor of so much…it has not and can not rob him of his deep abiding love for his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ nor take his faith and trust in God.

1. Jesus died with the right attitude. (Matt 26:38 & 42)
2. Jesus died at the right time. (John 13:3-4)
3. Jesus died in the right way. (John 21:18-19)
4. Jesus died for the right purpose. (John 17:11 and 19:30)
5. Jesus died with the right commitment. (Luke 23:46)

Are you living each day with no regrets? With nothing remaining unfinished at the end of each day? Nothing left undone?

Even when a Christian dies at the hands of a disease or evil man…a seemingly untimely death…it is under the plan and the hand of God. God who knows the number of hairs on our head is the same God who sees the sparrow that falls. He has every one of our days in his loving hands.

Each one of us is unique…like a snowflake. God knows every detail of our life…and has it planned out. How awesome is our God!

In the midst of a difficult times, long though they may be, at the end of the day…it’s doesn’t matter. God is in control!

Have you trusted in Christ as your Savior? Trusted in Jesus Christ, his life, his death on the cross for your sins, his resurrection? That all that matters.

God is our only hope…not what we experience.

The cross of Jesus:
A symbol of humility
Died in the right way…according to scripture.
Every one of God’s purposes and plans will be fulfilled.
Death is the grand entrance that let’s God’s children into heaven.
God’s plan is right on target.

Get busy doing what God wants us to do…or do nothing. We have to do what God wants us to do, what he has planned for us to do.

What have you got planned today…that has to do with what God has planned and is for his purposes? What do you do with your time? We have a selfish attitude that gets in the way of what we should be doing for God. Pray…“God, is this what you want me to be doing today?”

Jesus whole life, his whole heart…everything that he did had an end result in mind. Everything he did, had a purpose.

Do you have some things in your life that are unfinished? People in your life with whom you have unfinished business? Life is too short…to leave it that way.

I’d better have the same sense of urgency that Jesus had. Get up, get moving and be a pig for Jesus. Be doers of the Word, get busy…and do things.

If you think you are gifted in one area, but you are the only one that thinks it, perhaps you are not gifted in that area.

How do you demonstrate your passion for service to God and his people? Is God not worth your best?

Our future existence is not in the hands of a doctor, or a disease or a murderer. It’s in the hand of our God.

What does it really mean to worship God? Satan hates it when our God receives worship. There are many ways to worship God…and each one is right. What does the word of God say about worship? It addresses our attitude, peace and harmony between the brethren.

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