Sunday, June 12, 2005

Living Life in the Light of Eternity – The Judgment Seat of Christ

Notes from Chuck Obremski’s sermon 6/12/05:

God patiently warns people of the 2nd death and the need to repent. Good news…God does not desire that any of us should perish…but all should come to repentance. Our great purpose in life is to bring glory to God. We are to witness to others how God has brought us from darkness to light. Here’s our assignment from God, to show with as many who will listen, God’s love and his roadmap for his people.

As God’s people if we are miserable, it is because we are not doing what God has commanded. We will never have peace if we are not following God’s plan. We will all stand before him at the judgment seat of Christ.

Change how you life your life. Chuck desires, if necessary, to frighten us so that we will get our act together. We should all ask ourselves, what will that day of judgment be like for me?

1. You will be judged by God following your life on earth. (Luke 14:12-14)

We will be repaid at the day of judgment. Now we are to be helping those who can not repay as part of our ministry in Jesus name. In contrast to how the world operates, we are to help those who can not repay. Jesus will be honored and glorified when we do things for others without seeking gain.

What do you have that has not been given to you? We are gifted by God we are to use that which God has given us to reach people for the sake of God. Not every one of our gifts will be rewarded in this life. Hebrews 11 shows many of the Old Testament saints that were rewarded, not in this life but after they died. They looked forward to Jesus coming and the reward to come.

2. You will be judged at the second coming of Christ (Matt 16:27, Rev 22:12-13)

When? God guarantees you will be judged and rewarded. You can bank on this…it’s going to happen. We will be judged. At this judgment it will be determined as to our assignment in eternity.

3. You will be judged by Jesus Christ personally. (2 Cor 5:10)

Who? Every person will have a personal audience before the Lord or Lords and King of Kings. We will be face to face with our Savior. (Be sure to look these scriptures… “there’s nothing illegal about using your Bible at home”.) We will look upon His scars that reflect the price he paid for our sins.

Think about it…you will be face to face with Jesus. Take a minute and soak that in. No one else will be around. Every thought, word and deed will be open and lay bare before him. He sees it all clearly. You’ll know by looking into His eyes…if things are going to go good or bad. Reflecting on this should cause us to be all that we can be while here on earth. So that in turn, we can be all that we can be in heaven for eternity. When was the last time you evaluated what it will be like when you stand before Jesus? When you look at what you are doing each day? Jesus knows the truth…he is not swayed by opinion.

Leave here today a changed person. Know the fear of the Lord and your purpose. You will appear before Christ. (Appear = turned inside out.)
Thoughts, words, deeds and intentions will be turned inside out.

Tears will be shed at lost opportunities…our hearts will be broken. Everything that we do and say is consistently before him…to which we will give an account.

Is there anything that you need to get resolved? Do it now. Live a life of no regrets. We don’t know when that day of judgment will come. Make every effort to resolve everything as you go.

4. You will be judged along with all believers. (Rom 14:10b-12)

No one will escape. Everyone will stand before Jesus.
Change the way you live…every day.

5. You will be judged on the basis of your works alone. (1 Cor 3:12, 2 Cor 5:10)

Our belief determines our destination. Therefore repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and his death on your behalf. Our behavior after we are saved determines our rewards. God save us to do the work that he had planned for us before the foundation of the world. He will reward you according to your faithfulness.

As a child of God…are you fulfilling and doing that which God has called you to do?

Don’t utter the phrase at judgment time, “You should have seen what I wanted to do.” We are without excuse. What did you do for the kingdom of God?

6. You will be judged for the works you did following your conversion. (1 Cor 3:11-13a)

Works prior to your salvation mean nothing.

7. You will be judged for the works you did before you died. (2 Cor 5:10)

We will be judged for what we did while we were in the flesh. God is looking for sacrificial givers. It’s a testimony of our love for God. We will be judged for our works that we did before we died.

8. You will be rewarded on the basis of your judgment. (Matt 16:27; 1 Cor 3:8-9a)

We will be judged on what we actually do. Our reward…is like a pay check.

9. You will be rewarded individually according to your works. (Prov 24:12; Rev 2:23)

We will be rewarded individually. It doesn’t matter what anyone else does…or how anyone else has been gifted by God.
We are to be faithful and utilize the opportunities to reach others for the Kingdom of God.

Summary: Life is training and preparation for the life to come…for what Jesus will have for us to do. In the world to come…we will be given responsibilities. Loss or gain in every day life as far as our future judgment. Today have I added to…or taken away?
Am I loyal to Christ and to the abilities, talent and time he has given me?

He knows if we are giving our best. How much of my best goes to God? Doesn’t God deserve our best? Doesn’t he deserve to be our priority and what we spend our time on?

Tears will be traded…the temporal for the eternal. Will you hear those words, “Well done good and faithful servant.”?

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