Sunday, June 19, 2005

My Dad...Tangible Love

I don't remember too awfully much about my dad, Frank F. Bunts. He died in 1969 when I was 10 years old. He died from lung cancer not too long after we had moved to Lake Havasu, AZ. He died just a few weeks after being diagnosed with lung a Phoenix hospital. I didn't know he had cancer and was dying...but that's a whole other story.

One of the memories I do have was when we lived in Denver. It must have been Christmas 1968. We went on a shopping trip to a local mall...Cinderella City. I wanted my own little Christmas tree for my room...always loved Christmas lights...even back then. At Sears we ended up getting a small artificial tree that was about 1 foot high. I was able to put Christmas lights on it and have it in my bedroom at Christmas time. I kept that tree for many, many years. In some respects it was something tangible that said my dad loved me.

There is so much I don't know about you...and about our family life while you were still alive. I look forward to heaven...and hope to have a better knowledge and understanding of that which has remained a mystery to me, for low these many years. Will I see you there?

Happy Father's Day!

1 comment:

David Michael said...

"Will I see you there?" Powerful question -- I wonder the same thing about my father(s)!

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